If you are keeping your bitshares on a centralized exchange.....
...you are losing out (big time!!!)
on BEOS tokens now raining down upon

>>>>>> participating bitshares! <<<<<<

What's this @onceuponatime???
Me? Miss out?

Holding my bitshares on a centralized exchange, instead of bringing them home to the bitshares DEX (decentralized exchange) is preventing me from participating in the distribution of FREE tokens? Tokens being rained down upon participating bitshares holders? Bitshares holders who wish to participate in the very exciting new BEOS blockchain? The blockchain built for business? The new EOS clone, a "middle chain" between tried and trusted first mover of the DEX and DPOS worlds bitshares and the hugely innovative new EOS ecosystem)?
Don't miss out!
click here to find out more:

images(1) to (4) courtesy of pixabay.com

ouzo and out,
There is a plan!
(It's unfolding NOW)
Please spread the word about BEOS

It finally took off. I hope it will get the success it deserves. Good job to everyone involved. Keep rocking.
And I hope you participate!
Yeah its very nice, but the 500 BTS to create an account is holding me back. certainly if you only have a small amount of BTS: rival75
Are you sure that is what is holding you back? Maybe it is fear of success :-)
could be fear of success, but I never invested in BTS and with such small amount of BTS i am indeed maybe afraid of the success
You don't know how to get more BTS? I guess we can't help you then :-)
Lol, off course I know how to get more.. but it's to hard to exchange my hard worked Steem for BTS. so it's my own decision and maybe another crypto mistake. the future will learn us.
I move back and forth between Steem and BTS all the time. Both are great projects.
(I was there at the beginning of both. And now I am there at the beginning of BEOS, the best project yet!)
Great promotional piece.
I am very happy that I got my first drop at 9:27 EST. Every hour, I keep getting more BEOS, it is wonderful.
The project has incredible potential with a number of DApps ready to roll out. Ruon looks like a fantastic app that will really help businesses especially in 3rd world nations.
I supplemented my stake by adding another 10K this afternoon.
Get in early, these BEOS are going to be tough to get a hold of down the road.
I am just asking how many BEOS you might get with that raining of BEOS? Feels like you might get a huge share of it! Thanks for the information!
Information is useless unless you act on it (otherwise it just clutters up your brain LoL)
I'm on board, I just created my beos account ^_^
I knew you were a smart lady!!!!
When I originally (several years ago) set up an account to handle both BTS and Steem it was through OpenLedger, which seems pretty much like a BTS DEX "clone." For the purposes of the above... where exactly does the OpenLedger DEX fall, in this context? I have seen statements suggesting opening a whole new BTS account/wallet... and I have seen others saying it's "not necessary."
Your thoughts, please....
OpenLedger is a company that has built on top of the bitshares platform, as have many others now, but it was the first gateway. I would suggest opening a new account on a bitshares wallet that has been specially created for this project. It simplifies the procedure (it is still a little complicated if you are not used to the bitshares ecosystem).
The best thing to do is watch this video all the way through first, and then pause it as you carry out a step and restart it for the next step.
Thanks for the info, and the clip; I will follow your suggestion.
Sería bueno ahorrar en bitshares, gracias y saludos en español desde Venezuela.
Posted using Partiko Android
Sería muy bueno.
Thanks for that heads-up. So how exactly do I move BTS to BEOS?
Since it seems to be the same old bitshares network it should already be where it needs to be after logging in to beos once, right?
Or do I have to activate a script of sorts?
Looked further, found the how to videos, cheers
I was planning to try that yesterday but only got to it now but found that too had I don't have much BTS. Maybe I need to find a way to convert some steem to BTS
You can very easily change steem or steem dollars in to BTS here: https://blocktrades.us/
Thanks. I found that out an hour ago but i am heading out for the day and hope there's still time by tonight. I know i should get more than 500. Question to myself is how much more.
Have a nice day.
Nice work!
Posted using Partiko iOS