BTS mentioned along Bitcoinnect in Quiz - Me Protecting Like a Knight!

in #bitshares7 years ago

Vinny Lingham lately put a voting on twitter where you could choose 4 coins and decide which is a ponzi.
Just for uninformed people heres description of the guy:

So he has put such tweet lately:

Now this one ended (sorry im slow due to weekend) but i have been the first to defeat BTS literally few minutes after it launched.

While i dont say Vinny did it on puprose it just means we need more CLEAR marketing for Bitshares, that its not sharing anything or so. While i was doing this reply BTS was at 8% in the trivia and it was literally 5 minutes after he started it.

BTS Markets

Amazing to see Binance on such spot, i love this exchange lately.

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That lil piece of shit, what a lil rat, seriously what a coward for implying that Bitshares and therefor ALL subsequent DPOS including Steem is seriously harming the credibility of a tool that has done more than welfare to help poor people around the planet!

Seriously steem could end global poverty and this asshole wants to call it a fucking ponzi? seriously> You realize how sinister that is right?

that is like someone shitting in an emergency water tank meant for dying people in some war refugee camp../. (like what Khazarian soldiers do or what the UN does to those water systems)

Makes me MAD that he is calling steem a fucking ponzi, HES IMPLYING it!

ITS THE SAME THING! hes CALLINg us a fucking ponzi!

Lets make a poll asking if he is a faggot or not? hah no seriously lets make a poll to see if he is a scam artist? Maybe he is? Hey if people sayno that that

Binance is by far the best centralized exchange out there. They actually give people their Gas earnings on Neo and all of their BTC fork coins.

I've been with them for a couple months now and love it.

Also, no idea why this idiot put Bitshares as a possible ponzi. Not even close to resembling one.

yeah i love B

Because Vinny is a globalist shill who hates decentralization. I get the feeling like your personal data on Civic would some how land in the wrong hands.

What in god's name is DataBits? And what in the fuck is BitCrystals?

both game tokens

that was a good try... I think he doesn't know anything about bitcoin and he just come up with this just to gain popularity with the trending issue. hehe just point-of-view :)

Lol. nearly bought some Civic today. Glad I didn't now. What a cock Vinny is.

81% is very high. Many times twitter bot also mess up these survey.

I have seen you calling Bitconnect a ponzy few times in the past as well. I don't know Vinny and many are saying that he doesn't know much about BTC. But still
I trust you, and in past I believed Bitconnect to be a good scheme, but now after few months' experience with them, I am also inclined towards your view.

Thanks! Keep sharing.

It sounds like that guy has zero knowlege of btc.

2018 will be a huge year for $BTS, your account can be used as a bank, an exchange, and a loan platform. Send #money to a friend across the world in 1.5 seconds at a cost of a few pennies.

Hey that sounds identical to my tweet :P

So our thinking is alike, are not it?

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