A fresh Bitshares UI is in opensource development!

in #bitshares10 months ago

I recently announced on Bitsharestalk that I'd started work on a new Bitshares UI which is designed to interact directly with the Bitshares Beet wallet.

It's developed using Astro, ElysiaJS, Bun, React and ShadCN.

I chose to use Astro for two reasons, firstly it's framework agnostic, so we can easily use combinations of React, Vue, Svelte etc with no issue. Secondly it's faster than other web frameworks I've used, even Next.JS by a considerable margin!


ElysiaJS uses Bun under the hood (instead of node/v8) to support up to 1800% more requests per second than Express; for this reason it was chosen to provide a REST API for 3rd party apps (like this UI) as well as its support for a near-zero-config swagger API setup!


React? What's cool about that? It's the latest version! Rather than saddle ourselves with technical debt, we've started from scratch with the latest React technologies, resulting in a much more performant and stable UI experience IMO.


Now onto ShadCN. - The component library chosen to replace Ant Design; it's based on Radix UI which prioritizes accessibility and customizability of its offered UI components. Underlying both RadixUI and ShadCN is TailwindCSS; the switch to such a CSS utility based system was due to Astro's incompatibility with CSS-in-JS (which is what Mantine was using at the time of project start).


Want to get at the code? Enjoy!

New user interface repo: https://github.com/BTS-CM/astro-ui

New API repo for above UI: https://github.com/BTS-CM/beet_api

New package for above API repo: https://github.com/BTS-CM/bts-buntime

What do you think of the new UI tech stack?

Interested in screenshots of the UI in development?

Comment below!

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