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RE: Bitshares (BTS): Yellow or White Matters None; Same Destination

in #bitshares7 years ago

of course you need a long intro because you made plenty people loose money on BTS already... you dont shout 3.12$ 2 days before the coin plunge to 0.22$ so far your predictions have been full of shit... and yes you made me in a situation to be margin called... I lost 80% of my BTS THANK YOU.... because TA analysis is inefficient in REAL world of REUTERS so shut UP


crying because you got Margin called? Don't play with money you don't have. If you played with money you had, you wouldn't care about a correction that has effected 90% of the market. The only one to blame is your self. If you weren't on margin you could have simply waited with patience for the market to correct. When BTS crosses the dollar mark I reckon you will learn not to leverage trade. Patience is key. Don't play margins if you can't afford to get REKT!

@daysaway808 - How about those of us who play with money we have? Even though I take full responsibility for my own decisions, truth is I wouldn't have increased my margin position if it weren't for Haejin posting about $3.

When the price plummeted I had to quickly make a bank transfer that miraculously only took one day to come through. It was pure luck that I got money into the dex quick enough to increase my collateral before getting called.

Hey, I pumped in more money close to the lowest price, as long as it goes up again I'll be just fine, but I can understand peoples frustration as it's easy to believe all the praise people are giving Haejin and buy into the hype, literally.

I've learned my lesson, luckily without any losses. Sorry to hear you didn't make it @buckland

Some of his TA is long term with no timeline. So its hard to be proven wrong or right at this point. When things are going good, which has been the last year its really had to gauge how good the info is. A fair amount of his posts are like this.

To be honest when it's that long term I think its not that useful, especially in your situation when your looking for a good buy in point. To predict a market like this that far out makes no sense unless its supported with a ton of research.

For short/mid term stuff. His TA for this type of stuff has been generally good. But when he does TA for alts he fails to look at the entire market which is what happened the last two weeks. But he seems to be mentioning this more in recent posts

Of course people should do their own research. At least keep an eye on BTC whenever you are about to put fiat into this market

I was in bts last year and caught some of the rise but sold and got into something else, this happened twice. I was angry when I didn't stick with it and it went up, but I remember clearly that the prognosis looked as if this might take well into March (next year, back then) , and I was too impatient for that (why wait for bts to climb when you can use the funds to earn some quicky in between).
So this is what you decide, and when you decide to stick with it, you have to stick with it.
Till it rises again. If you sell along the way when it's in a low phase, you will have a problem.
He has always been saying how he ONLY looks at TA and, that reality will prove TA correct after the fact, but this is of course only possible when you exclude the time factor from the equation. Time can only be guessed at, and this insecurity can be destructive - if you don't have the time.
You have to be very calm and patient to always have the time, and you must take this into account beforehand, and when you have progressed to such a level of collectedness, you will be able to envision the blind bowman drinking tea from an empty cup - applauding yourself with one hand clapping. Because time is always time, and space is always and only space.

The Bitcoin dip ruined the equation, it was unnecessary under the circumstances - the market was strong enough to have carried us through, but too many people expected that dip and a few manipulated to make it come. And Bitcoin dragged the altcoins down. I guess you cannot foresee that just looking at Elliott Waves, because Elliott Waves measure average market movements. The blind bowman didn't hit the target because the target had been taken out by an asteroid.
Temporarily, of course ;)

Its pretty obvious Bitcoin Futures as screwed the market recently ! Price was run up by the bankers prior to 18th Dec, then they got out knowing it would cause panic and price crash. They will buy up as much cheap BTC as they can and sit on a stockpile. JP Morgan did this with Silver !

They are going to run the price up again eventually so just hold now and try not to let greed drive your decisions, but get out next time before they do ! OR ditch BTC and buy Bitshares also move away from any centralised exchange onto DEX. WHY ? Because they are Introducing amazing new assets which will be backed by Gold/Silver etc so when the next crash comes, the DEX will be a safe haven. Banksters will be able to do anything they want with BTC because the ALTs will be pegged to other more stable coins (not BTC) so this pattern of BTC crashing and taking everything with it will eventually be a thing of the past.

I will put down my crystal ball now......

Unfortunately, institutions a) are well organized and b) have more money.
So they can buy their way into any sort of market, also into the decentralized exchanges. The principal superiority of an organization over a herd of chickens will always remain.

If everyone moved to Bitshares DEX it would have a lot higher liquidity, then when banksters hit BTC you could simply move to from bitBTC to quint (or other asset backed crypto) which is harder to manipulate so would prove a nice safe haven !

yeah i agree, everyone complains about the volume, but they have their stash not doing anything. I have bots running just to help increase the liquidity. If everyone was doing this the platform would be used more

If you have BCO staked its actually helpful as you get a cut of the trading %. so its a double benefit. For BCO DEX only. I actually like their UI better

have you written the bots yourself or are you using paid/open source one ?

Bitshares UI is getting better and easier but still not as good as gdax etc

I use open source ones. I found the info

Well its still down so some good buy in opportunities. I bought some BCO which is built on top of BTS blockchain back in december. Has done well for me. I have it staking long term ( there are bonus levels for longer staking periods). might also be worth looking into

TA analysis should just be a tool in your tool chest. Use all the tools you have to accomplish the goals that you set for yourself. Never rely on 1 tool. Also, Margin trading on cyrptos?? Do not margin trade if you are not willing to take the risk.

It's ultimately your fault, admit it, else you will always loose.
Also, read this:

How did you lose 80% of your bitshares on a margin? Did you margin on bitshares dex, because if so, I'm pretty sure you only lose 45% of your collateral?

Sorry...don't know what your talking about..i myself and friends made a ton of money on BTS

If you still have that big stash of BTS consider creating a bot to increase liquidity on the exchange, if you haven't already. BCO is another project you may like, although i would look for a good buy in opportunity

Not a loss until you cash out. If you believe it's going to be to ATMs at some point just hold.

@trizle called it as a time to sell at same time haejin predicted up. Predicting the weather and trends is not easy. TA versus fundamentals is an ongoing discussion in my mind. TA surely can't be expected to predict announcements by foreign governments, even though Haejin says the news arrives to match the TA. I'm fascinated to watch and learn. At these times fundamentals seem to override TA. Without the news Haejin might have been proved right. No one is God but if someone has a huge following then prophecies can be self fulfilling as people move en mass according to the prediction making it true. Anyway, right or wrong people choose to go with Haejins analysis or not. I upvote everything I find interesting whether I agree or not. Haejin is a master of TA. Of course I read his posts and he's won many of my upvotes and respect. Difference of opinion? That's the fun of steemit surely.

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