
Nice work man :) are you using the wallet? Or just keeping them on the exchanges? Recommend trying the wallet if you havent; i think it will blow you away

I am actually keeping my BTS currently on an exchange what I am trying to avoid, so I will check out the BTS wallet. Do have a link/ tutorial?

Not sure if there is tutorial as such (there probably is somewhere). But it is a guided process.
You have a couple of choices. Bitshares has web wallets or you can also use the light client which you download an install to your machine.

For the web wallet go to
Light client you can get HERE

There are two mode when you sign up to the web wallets (Wallet model and Account model)


  • Wallet model: Once you have entered you username and password you will be asked to download a backup of your wallet <- DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP.. Keys are stored encrypted within in your browser and to make any transactions ect you will need to enter your password. If you clear your browser cache your keys will also be cleared from its memory and you will need to restore them via you backup file.

  • Account Model: Your username and password are used to generate your keys, this has a benefit of allowing you to login to your account from anywhere by just using your username and password (make sure you choose a strong password)

After that you are all setup; to send BTS you use your account name (instead of those huge addresses like with Bitcoin). i highly recommend sending a small test transaction from the exchange just to make sure you are comfortable (3 second block times + a slight delay from the exchange means it will hit your wallet very quickly).

Your done; have fun and go exploring, be sure to check out the exchange tab and if your on telegram come join us on the 'BitsharesDex' channel.

I would love to hear you thoughts if you have a chance.

wow. thx for the detailled response. I will follow your instructions.
Doing a small test transaction is what I also recommend always.
I recently bought some iota, currently only available through the related slack channel , kind of escrow. Then found a wallet on Github and failed with the first micro test transfer, installed another version of the wallet, repeat process and then it worked =)

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