BITSCREENER-the ecosystem of financial data and quality content on blocking technology

in #bitscreener6 years ago


BITSCRENEER is one of the achievements of a well-performing blockchain industry development and great ideas based on a system that directly gives investors the opportunity to become more open with symbolic investments. As one of the first blockchain platforms to be produced, the company wants to get investors to pay more attention to the economic weaknesses that have plagued many people around the world in the concept of gotong royong as a tradable investment by registered users of the Blockchain platform. Some important points of the BITSCRENEER platform This will be the point that most registered investors and potential investors will start their business on the platform as a whole.

BitScreener is a decentralized financial ecosystem that will solve the problems of false (poor-quality) information, unfair distribution of profits, separation of the crypto-currency and shares, the disunity of information and data on the crypto-currency (projects) and shares.

BitScreener takes into account all the shortcomings of existing systems and combines all their advantages. BitScreener creates a platform for hosting various high-quality content with the promotion of blockchain technology. This allows you to objectively evaluate the content of each user and encourage those people who offer quality content.

As an encouragement, the user receives BSP points, which will later be converted into BitScreener tokens. Then these tokens can be obtained on your Ethereum purse, or you can spend them for additional paid functions on the platform.

The BitScreener ecosystem combines the collection and processing of data in CoinMarketCap and Finviz, the possibility of voting in Wikipedia, crowdsourcing of content as in SeekingAlpha and the system of incentives in the form of BitScreener tokens using blockchain technology.

BitScreener contains information about crypto and stock currencies. This allows you to remove the barriers between these financial instruments and allows merchants to make decisions based on quality data on one platform at a glance. It is important to note that there is now an implementation of this idea in the form of apps on IoS and web versions.

The use of voting mechanisms on the platform makes it possible to ensure high quality and impartial content. Any content can be learned by platform users and can continue to improve. This allows you to continuously improve the quality of information on the platform. In addition, the presence of its own voice and profile on every user platform allows you to exclude the possibility of a pampa or dump.

BitScreener comparison with known platform:

The BitScreener architecture consists of two main components:

  • financial data subsystem;
  • content subsystem.

The first component includes data collection (by exchange of crypto, stock exchange and other news sources), data processing (tables, diagrams), data analysis and visualization.

The second component is only the articles of the platform users they get. Award transparency is provided through the use of blocking and smart contracting technologies.

Both architectural components interact with each other, which makes it possible to improve the system as a whole. For example, users can learn about data and diagrams and write quality articles, and the data processing subsystem selects the most relevant and high-quality content.

Components of financial data.

As said above, this component consists of data assembly, data analysis, and information blocks.

Data collection receives various data on opening price, closing price, capital volume and more. All of this data in crypto currency is obtained directly through the crypto-exchange exchange API, and for shares through the service provider. Also, news from various news sources was collected.

All of these large amounts of data are then converted into diagrams and different tables. BitScreener allows you to use the most advanced visualization tool directly on the platform site.

Every trader understands how important it is to get information about financial instruments in a timely fashion and make quick decisions. The BitScreener developer understands this perfectly and provides various notification options for various parameters. Users can receive notifications immediately on their phone. The project developers promise that after completing the work on the platform, users will be able to receive notices for almost every currency or crypto stock that is served in the main market.

The information block offers a large selection of financial instrument screening. It will be possible to sort the coins and pick the coins you need according to your parameters.

Content component.

This component works based on blockchain technology.

This component consists of three levels:

  • user interface;
  • BitScreener data management;
  • blockchain network.

Through the user interface, users can read the content, select it, or create their own content.

Data management BitScreener includes Content Verifier, BitScreener Point, BitScreener Token, Content Distribution.

Content Verifier is the first security guard of the system. This element checks the content for originality. He compares originality with internal databases and databases on the Internet. Only for original content, users can get points or tokens. The next step in the review is the reviewer. This enables the reader to ensure that the content is genuine and qualified.

After checking the content, it will be sent to the BSP for assessment. Furthermore, these points will be converted to BITX tokens. All information will be stored in blockchain and will be accessible to every user.

BitScreener Token will provide additional platform services. All this is done through a smart contract. To get token there must be a number of points and must pass a certain time limit. This encourages users to develop projects for long-term growth.

Content Distribution This element provides a popular article for the target audience.

The third level of the Blockchain network works with the use of smart contracts. This level allows you to distribute the gift in the form of a BITX token to each platform user.


Token BITX is a functional platform token, which is an incentive mechanism for active use of the platform and assistance in its development.

  • Token: BITX
  • Platform: Ethereum
  • Standard: ERC20
  • Total tokens: 450,000,000 BITX
  • Available for Token Sale: 139,500,000 BITX (31%)
  • Payment: Ethereum
  • Minimum investment: 0.2 ETH
  • Token Fee: 1 ETH = 7154 BITX or 0.00013978 ETH
  • Soft cap: 1000 ETH already built in pre-ICO
  • Hard cap: 15,000 ETH or 7,500,000 USD
  • Requires KYC
  • The main sales stages: from 27/06/2018 to 04/07/2018
  • To take part in ICO, click the link.

Project roadmap:

Token Distribution:


Crypto's currency market is a fast-growing financial direction. The BitScreener ecosystem contributes to the creation of high quality content and information. In this case, the project combines crypto and stock currencies on a single platform. BitScreener provides a new way to get readers, reviewers and financial creators, who were not there before. The use of blockchain technology ensures the reliability of rewards and the absence of fraudulent activities. I believe that this project is really capable of bringing great benefits to traders and investors. I wish success for the project developers.

Project partners in development and potential customers

BitScreener Development Team

With tangible results, a team of young experts and professionals in high technology and computer engineering have proven that it is possible to successfully execute the project from any level of complexity, regardless of age, country of residence and experience in this field.

Project advisor




MY ETH ADDRESS: 0x563F61919c89354a51Fe66A3a98E0539d55d7Cf7

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