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RE: Bits and Pieces - Microsoft warns Gab, Stops Q, Jones Gets Legitimized.

in #bitsandpieces6 years ago

I click around on YT just to grab advertiser names, then write to them each one by one. I have time and this is the way I want to use it right now.

I am not sure if it will help you, but newpipe is an app that will pipe you into the back door of youtube if you need to watch things for work. You can subscribe anonymously, but no voting. You can also download content for off-line viewing. In my opinion, someone needs to clone youtube, copyrights or not. They are stealing the life work of users like SGT and Alex. I am not up on who else right now.

You lay out the risks quite nicely. What is your opinion on github? What kind of other damage can Gates to as the new owner?

Sort: still needs some work. It's only a little over a month old. I put together the @newsagg headlines post for news aggregation from many different points of view. I am thinking of starting to do a new aggregation that I plan to call UNCONTROLLED MEDIA that will be an aggregation of videos I can find from, bitchute, dtube, and dlive. It is not really easy to find the stuff so once I've developed a template I want to use I will start working on that... it's for myself but may benefit others. Doing such things does take some time... but there is a battle going on and I like you feel I must do my part.

This war room show from a couple of hours ago:

they say they are done with youtube and are archiving their old shows at

Though I only see one video there... so it may be something they are working on but haven't gotten far into yet.

Right now:

That is one of my preferred places to watch various infowars shows. Ron Gibson was a popular alternative way to watch on Youtube, but he was one of them deleted this last week. He is doing almost the same thing on bitchute.

I also commented suggesting he consider doing it on dtube, dlive, etc as well. Explained steem a bit. Whether he does or not, is another matter.

As long as people have copies of the code off of Github I don't see it as a big risk. I agree with what you wrote in that respect.

So what? Simply upload the code somewhere else.

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