BitNautic: A Decentralized Shipping And Cargo Platform.

in #bitnautic6 years ago


I was very surprise to know that 90% of the world trade transportation is actually accountable by the international shipping industry, some agencies believe in the benefits of using sea as their major means of transportation. The shipping business is one of our most established ventures and still assumes an imperative part in our advanced society. Today, more than 55 000 cargo ships are dynamic in worldwide exchange. The armada is spoken to in more than 150 nations, manned with more than 1.5 million sailors working far and wide. The diverse kinds of freight being transported are products for buyers, sustenance, crude material, autos and fuel, just to give some examples.

Facts About Shipping Industries

It isn't each day that the significance of the shipping industry rings a bell. To give you a superior comprehension for the significance of shipping in the transportation business, we need to feature some intriguing certainties:

  • Around 20 million containers are traversing the seas consistently. In the event that we arranged all the world's containers, the line of containers would extend most of the way around the planet.

  • The engine in a container ship can have up to 1000 times more power than a engine in a family auto.

  • Despite the fact that container ships are substantial, the greater part of them have a somewhat little team of around 13-24 crew-members.

  • A container ship traversed the seas consistently. Multi year of voyaging could be contrasted and the separation of voyaging seventy five percent of the route to the moon and back.

  • The standard shipping container (20′) contains 33,1 cubic meters. The 40′ high shape shipping container can hold 76,2 cubic meters. What does this mean? All things considered, for measure reference, you can fill a 40′ high block container with 8443 shoe boxes.

Challenges Faced By Shipping Industries

Environmental Regulations: There is a developing worry over the effect of global shipping exercises in various piece of the world which impact and risk to oceanic life. The business is working towards settling the system for the observing, announcing, and confirmation of CO2 emanations from sea transport. In any case, without all around endorsed regulations and completely solid advancements, there is vulnerability in the business.

Lack Of Transparency: Terrible tracking is caused by similarly hurtful holes in straightforwardness. While tracking issues are fundamental what's more, intrinsic to the errand of moving merchandise, the disappointments of straightforwardness are to a great extent because of terrible information dealing with practices "or more awful, because of gatherings being boosted not to share exact information".
Regularly, because of fracture, vulnerability, or to secure the eliteness of their courses of action, dealers can't or on the other hand won't tell a shipper precisely what bearer and driver are conveying their cargo.

High Security Threat: The high number of occurrences of theft and outfitted burglary against ships off various coasts is something that the entire world knows about, and is a developing worry for the shipping industry that is intensely influenced by these episodes. Despite the fact that the demonstrations of theft have been controlled to some degree, deliver proprietors still utilize private equipped security security on their vessels while driving the unsafe privateer zones.
Not just outfitted theft, the most recent security danger to the shipping industry originates from hackers. Mechanized and innovatively propelled ships have turned out to be defenseless against digital assaults with programmers being fruitful in getting to the GPS, AIS – marine Programmed Identification Framework, and ECDIS – Electronic Outline Show and Data system

There are many other challenges faced by either the shippers or carriers in the shipping industry, and that is why BITNAUTIC has decided to create a platform that tackles all the problems with distribution and interaction of all sectors of the shipping industry.

What Is BitNautic ?

BitNautic is a platform based on blockchain technology that plans to integrate the shipping industry by creating a conducive environment for all the participants of sea transportation. The platform wants to utilize the Ethereum smart Contract technology to link the demand and supply of shipped items.

Through the BitNautic secure and transparent platform, Stakeholders in the shipping industry will be able to reach terms and conditions, eliminating all multiple involvement of middlemen that prolong shipping activities. The BitNautic team and developers have made researches on the shipping business for years, which now make them experts, with great experience to handle the platform. The platform will also work as a market place where different importers, exporters, producers and consumers can transact.

BitNautic Shipping Solution

Security: All data and information of the platform users who are involved in shipping services are kept privately. Only respective owners have access to their contact information, ship name, and private data about assets which can only be shared under their permission. This will keep the ecosystem safe from internet theft and hacks.

Global Reach And Information: With the Bitnautic platform, ship owners anywhere in the world would be able to list their ships and update their ship location, while cargo owners will be able to list their cargos, with complete and detailed requirements, this creates a better reach to the market with any port location in the world.

Artificial Intelligence: The platform has a well developed and advance Artificial intelligence engine which is solemnly designed to search for fit and capable ships for transportation of items. This will help shippers and ship owners to utilize shipping resources and also reduce the cost of shipping.

Less Cost: The exception of middlemen, and direct connection of shipping shareholders will reduce the cost of shipping. The platform is transparent with affordable fee paid by Ship Owners/Carriers, to create a connection and also manage
the execution of contracts.

Features Of BitNautic Platform.

Cargo Booking.

The platform makes booking of ships very conducive, this system allows shippers from any location to make reservation of ships than will carry their cargo, in an easy manner. This is done in a matching manner, with information of available ship

Tracking System

For customers to be aware of the specific location and state of their ships, BitNautic platform provides a ship and cargo tracking system for customers. This guarantees security and also ensures efficient delivery of transported good and services.

Wholesale E-commerce

The BitNautic wholesale E-commerce offers offers a form of advertising opportunity to the platform users, wholesale goods will be listed on the platform, enabling producers to reach out to their buyers but local and internationally. The E-commerce system also increases the revenue of producers, that absence of middlemen save funds that will be used for advertising on other platforms.

ICO Details And Token Distribution

Token Symbol: BTNT
Token Type: ERC20
Total Token Supply: 50,000,000 BTNT
Initial Distribution: 35,000,000 BTNT
Accepted Currency: ETH
Exchange Rate: 1 ETH = 500 BTNT
Soft Cap: 2,500,000 BTNT SOLD
Hard Cap: 25,000,000 BTNT SOLD
Pre-ICO Starts: May 1, 2018
Pre-ICO Ends: May 31, 2018
ICO Phase 1 Starts: June 1, 2018
ICO Phase 1 Ends: July 4, 2018
ICO Phase 2 Starts: July 11, 2018
ICO Phase 2 Ends: September 15, 2018
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BitNautic Useful Links:

ANN Thread:

telegram username: @xpency
Bitcointalk username: Xpency
Bitcointalk Url:;u=1800192

Coin Marketplace

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TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 57527.13
ETH 2375.07
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.42