Pangea Jurisdiction Development Update 05 - October 2017

in #bitnation7 years ago

Summary of the Pangea software development since last month:

  • Usage of WebRTC
  • Panthalassa in TypeScript
  • Improved documentation for Panthalassa-TS
  • DEVCON|01 in Amsterdam!
  • Gomobile (Go compiled to mobile)
  • First Lucy implementation is ongoing
  • PAT and Sale Contracts
  • Planned integration of POI
  • TODO

Usage of WebRTC

We are using WebRTC as a data transport between the peers in our network. RTC stands for Real Time Connection. Basically it connects two peers in our mesh network with each other. Once initialized, a WebRTC connection can be used to transport data such as video, audio and more. It’s a decentralized way to exchange any kind of data. However, the mesh network is required to exchange some „config“ data between the peers, even though the heavy stuff through the WebRTC connection. As the IPFS JS implementation matures, this function might be transferred to IPFS.

Panthalassa in TypeScript:

Our Pangea backbone (Panthalassa) is under heavy development. Unfortunately we can’t use the go implementation at this time because the hard restrictions on iOS. Last update we wrote about the refacturing to a JavaScript version ( and about testing a TypeScript version ( Since then, we have decided to continue with TypeScript because it’s compiled. At the end the Panthalassa code will be compiled to JavaScript and run in the JavaScript browser engine used by the mobile device. There is another promising approach for Panthalassa we are experimenting with lately (read further down in the Gomobile section).

Improved Documentation for Panthalassa-TS

Kenneth and Kent are documenting the Panthalassa-TS Architecture architecture and Florian implemented a tool that auto generates documentation for Panthalassa-TS. You can find the a current snapshot of the implementation here:

DEVCON|01 in Amsterdam!

From the 5. to the 8. Oktober the Bitnation Devcon|01 took place in Bitnation’s hackspace in Amsterdam. It was a wonderful time, where most of the core team attended and presented their work. A lot of people guests joined as well!. We had a lot of fun, and it was amazing to meet all the people working hard to push the project forward in real life. You can checkout the speaker and topics here: and the talks on our youtube channel:

Gomobile (Go compiled to mobile)

There is a clever project called Gomobile which compiles Go code to a library which can be consumed by android / iOS. As you can read in the Panthalassa part, we can’t use Go code directly. The way Panthalassa was designed is to run as a daemon. A daemon is basically a program that runs in the background. Compiling Go code to a library is different. We will write the Go code once and then it will be compiled to an iOS and Android library. So at the end no go code will be called directly, instead the native code will be called, but we only need to write the code once which is amazing. There are a few advantages by using Go over TypeScript. We can run high performance code, it’s way more fun to write the code (in my personal option), we can run multi threaten code and we have direct OS access which is awesome (that really helps since we are dealing with networking). As good as this sound’s we still need to test if it really works the way it needs to work. The Ethereum Go implementation uses this method as well to provide a light client for iOS and Android.

First Lucy implementation is ongoing

The Lucy and the Oracle Roadmap has been defined, and is being implemented. The current implementation is Lucy’s ability to read and write .txt files on/ to IPFS as the basis for giving contracts and humans reputation. You can read more about the Lucy implementation here:

PAT and Token Sale Event Contracts

The PAT ERC20 Contract is currently being audited by 21Mil. The Token Sale contract will be reworked to fit changes in requirements from our partners. The contract will be simplified to a more traditional token sale contract with a $30M hardcap, a fixed token price, and a short sale period.

Planned integration of Proof-of-Individuality (POI)

In the context of the Pangea Jurisdiction, the POI protocol can be used to remove the need of biometric IDs. We believe using biometrics is dangerous, and can lead to dystopian consequences, for instance governments using the data to conduct genocides more efficiently. Through implementing POI as an individual verification in addition to the reputation system and public pseudo-anonymous keys, we hope that this will become a go-to option rather than the usage of biometrics in the world. The POI protocol was first developed as an anonymous identity solution for Johan Nygren's peer-to-peer Basic Income system, which has been in development since 2012. You can see a draft Solidity code here, written by Johan Nygren here: We have started to work on wireframes and plans for how to integrate a test of POI into Pangea.

TODO in the next weeks ahead:

  • Add wallet and DBVN creation / management into Pangea. Tthe wallet creation we will run a Eethereum light node on the mobile device,s and the DBVN Soliditysmart contract for the nation will be on the Eethereum blockchain.
  • First iteration of Lucy completed
  • Framework and design for POI, upgrade of POI Solidity code

Thanks for the update - Lots of interesting news.

thanks for sharing

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