Are your investments down with the Bitcoin volitility? Turn it into earnings
Hello Steemit community,
With the volatility in the Bitcoin markets recently a lot of people are probably worried about their investment. If you are like me and do not have the time to be a day trader. Then Bitconnect could be right for you. I have been using Bitconnect for over a month now and have been getting returns daily. And with the money I am making I can reinvest, convert it to Bitcoin and move it to my wallet or trading sites, or hold the Bitconnect coin and wait for it to raise in price and make additional profits.
In fact in around 90 days with my strategy of converting to BCC holding for a few days and trading to a higher rate I have made over half of my original investment back. Join with me and earn every day regardless if the markets are up or down.
Show us the DASHBOARD don't be shy
Sure give me a few to crop. multiple monitors sucks for this.
I bought more LItecoin today just because it was down 20% from yesterday
The korean and chinese people just discovered ethereum classic and they love it. I think we will see the trend soon.
I like ETH but dont play with classic. No idea when or if the stolen coins have been dumped yet. But I dont want to be invested if they are.
Yes you are right.
There are just ~200 $ ETC in my portfolio for short term speculation but for long term its wasted money i think. Never play with money you need or you dont have :)
Fully agree
I love LTC I have owned some for a while now. I am also earning more mining some on genesis and also have 10 old gridseeds laying around I point at a pool and mine more ltc (not much more gridseeds are to slow now)