Why it Doesn't Matter if BitConnect is a Scam

in #bitconnect7 years ago (edited)

After doing some reading and listening to both sides of the story, I have come to conclusion that it does not matter if BT is a Scam or not, and here is my simple explanation why.  

Lest Say this is a Scam – so then, you have to play to outsmart the Scam.


From Volatility Software ( BitConnect Lending Bot ) you can see that your investment will make itself back in about 3 months.

What do you do?

- Risk just enough so if you will loose it you still have roof over your head  

- After you make your money back ( in about 3 months ) take it out 

- Play with the free money everything you make from now on is profit to you and if this will go on for years you can only imagine what can you make  

 When will you loose?

- If you risk more then you can afford to loose

 - If the site goes Dark before you make your money back ( very unlikely but possible )

 - If you are Greedy and keep putting back into the site everything you make and never take out your profits  

 I have invested in Bitconnect, and I intend to play by my rules.

If I can be any of help feel free to contact me

Be well friends and play safe   


Taking part in any scam makes you a scammer.

how come Coin that is number 13 on the market cap is a Scam - is Bitcoin a Scam too?

But tell me why BCC is not listed in my coincapp app in my android phone???? Why?

they are not listed on major coin trading platforms as well - there is a vid on youtube explaining their strategy why they do that and it makes sense - anyways they are #12 on the coin marker Cup - its a Coin, Blockchain , trading platform, nothing like other sites that are just plain naked that you can smell scam from far away.
We don’t know enough about BitConnect – but we do not want to miss this opportunity.
It could be a Revolutionary, it could change lifes for better, or it could grow to be the biggest Scam in history of Crypto. Anyone telling now that this is a 100% legit or making statements that its a 100% scam are just running their mouth to get attentinon.

BitConnect is listed on CoinMarketCap with "BCC" here: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bitconnect/

I'm not sure it worth investing in BitConnect because there is so little information on the owners, although I have been able to confirm their name is real. Apart from that, it looks good.

well how about Satoshi Nakamoto - do we know who he is ? Yet you can not say oits not worth investing in BTC ;)

We do not know who he is and it truly doesn't matter. But, the NSA claims to know from the use of stylometry.
"The NSA’s proprietary software, bulk email collection ability, and computing power made it possible for them to conclusively identify Satoshi."
Quoted from here: https://medium.com/cryptomuse/how-the-nsa-caught-satoshi-nakamoto-868affcef595

That sums up my thoughts on it as well. If it is a scam, it's an extraordinarily elaborate scam with roughly a half billion dollar market cap (BCC), plus whatever money is "loaned" to Bitconnect. As elaborate as it is, and as much money that Bitconnect is holding (and trading?), as well as the future potential income for Bitconnect, even if it did fold as a scam, it would make no sense to do so in the near future. If it's a scam, it's the scam of the century (to date)! I'm going to give it a try and after about 105 days (going by the last 6 months' daily average) I'll have my money back and my 'play money' to use risk free til whenever. I think it will be around for the next few months at least, so what will I have to lose?

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