Bitconnect - Craig Grant - What does this mean???? Photo of your computer screen pop up

in #bitconnect7 years ago

Innocent until proven guilty - this post is my observations and opinions only - I love each and every one of you and it pains me to see anyone get hurt - please beware when you are considering following @craig-grant. I have been watching this madness for a while now and just have to give my 2 cents - I cannot help myself when I see this stuff going on. For everyone who is kind enough to follow me, you know that this is totally not like me to even chime in - I am still your daily dose of sunshine :) I love you Steemit Friends - SUNSHINE247

Hello Craig -

Watching your latest video on YouTube - you showed your clever $10K loan :) There was a pop up at the bottom of your screen - photo below. What does this mean? Please explain :)



Pimp daddy, you are way too defensive in your videos - spriatual speech does not fit you real well - you cannot use the 'Devil made me do it' on this one. Sick!!!!

Question for you? Your BCC Magic video where you shared that you found out that you pay your lease to BCC Limited - is it a coincidence that you ended up in the apartment building owned by the owner with the same BCC name as Bitconnect? HMMMMMM - quite the coincidence

Here is your video Pimp Daddy if you want to go back an rewatch it:

All I can wish for you is that you keep doing what you are doing!!!! For those who receive much, much is required :) HE'S A HUSTLER BABY .. Just cant seem to get this song out of my head

Cant wait to see you on JSNIP4 or better yet, on the news :)


I am so glad so see you, was worried seemed like you did not write or maybe I am blind. How are you, hope you have a wonderful day.

Amazing Friend!!!! I have been working a lot, I mean A LOT!!! I have a couple of posts ready to post but I have not had a chance to get to them. The only reason I posted this one is because I have been following it and am really angry to even think that my Steemit Friends are being had .. I pray for the best for everyone of them that they all come out of this madness with at least their initial amount. I love you Friend - you will see me way more real soon :)

Great post my friend and useful video

hey @sunshine247! just wondering, what is wrong with the screenshot?

The removal of the Bitcoin Cash wallet?

I did not say there is anything wrong with it - I simply asked what this means - maybe someone can chime in who can explain :)

It means that the platform is going to remove all the BitcoinCash wallets from their system.
The message you get informs you about this removal and gives you a little over 2 weeks time to relocate all of your BitcoinCash tokens/coins, to make sure you do not lose them when they stop supporting the wallets.


updated a typo

Yikes!!!! Sad, this is really really sad. I hope that this never happens .. I will be happy to post again in the future and eat my words if Bitconnect stays strong - I pray that it does .. I understand that people are responsible for their own actions and decisions but I also see that 'you know who and his wife' have gone way overboard to promote Bitconnect and their videos are basically commercials for this ponzi scheme. It makes me sick that he keeps saying 'keepin the flow goin'. Do any of you possibly think that the bitcoin was taken from the wallets when it as at its peak so that the creators of Bitconnect could sell it at the profit and are now buying back in at the drop to 'keep the flow goin'.

Hi @sunshine247 - You did make implications that there was something 'wrong' and have flat out called it a ponzi. The removal of BCH is more likely symbolic of their Bitcoin ideology - meaning they support the original Bitcoin chain vs the hard forked Bitcoin Cash chain.

Though, I get the sense your content here is more pertinent to a negative spin towards BCC, (not sure why) - as no user of BCC has been scammed out of any funds yet.

Mikev - I gotta love you!!! Good luck Friend - keep doing what your doing - cheers to your success!!!

The thing about Bitcoin Cash is, I suspected weeks ago that Bitcoin forks were being used as a funnel into Bitconnect. I checked Bitconnect and guess what? Bitconnect gave everyone their Bitcoin Cash fork money which is something you wouldn't expect a scam to even do. It is also pretty obvious that if you're given a bunch of Bitcoin Cash money or free without having to do anything for it, this is risk free money which can be completely gambled into something like Bitconnect without any fear of any loss. So from Bitconnect's perspective it could be marketing, like how dealers offer a free sample of an addictive substance.

That being said, I discovered this post because you posted in my blog more angry than I've seen anyone on Steemit before. I just wondered what the cause was but apparently maybe now I see the flaw in Craig's marketing strategy. Sometimes it's possible to be too successful or have too much of a good thing.

The BCC connection, do you imply that Craig Grant secretly works for Bitconnect as some official undercover marketing agent?

Must be very undercover as @craig-grant could use some marketing help with his videos.

When you are scared and running, you keep talking - I can only hope he keeps flapping off at the mouth - by the way, I do not believe for a minute that his and Travon's bitcoin were stollen?? Really!!!! Be smarter than this guys!!!! My theory is that bitconnet sold everyone's bitcoin when the price went up, bought back in at the lower price and gave everyone their coins back :) If I was a scammer, I would do the same thing, gotta keep the lights on - I hope I am wrong - I will be the first one to admit it if it turns out I am wrong - I love you guys!!!! Stay safe and be smart please

Yea, I do believe he is part of Bitconnet, in a big way .. just my opinion and observation (I am a very very very good judge of character) .. he is quite defensive and chatty .. thats a sign of a guilty man or a man running, running fast .. Is Craig-Grant his real name? Just curious :) I love you Friend .. stay safe!!!

Just a day ago, Craig was giving away money to all who prove they signed up to Bitconnect. I think that is brilliant marketing on his part because it allows people to experience Bitconnect with less risk. I guess the next step is to say "sign up under me, take a $100 loan, and receive $100 in BTC from me".

I follow you now.

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