Bitconnect (aka Sh!tConnect) is now the #6 Coin [crypto-news]

in #bitconnect7 years ago (edited)


It was not 5 days ago since I posted Bitconnect 2.0, where I stated that Bitconnect would be making a move up and to not to be surprised if it found itself in the #6 position based on market capitalization. Well folks, Bitconnect currently finds itself in the #6 position on Coinmarketcap. It has now been trading on Hitbtc for a few days, making for an excellent debut there. Rumor has it that the BCC coin may find itself trading on other exchanges soon too! I wonder what that will do to both the price of Bitconnect And Bitcoin?

ps, since writing this, Bitconnect and Dash are fighting neck and neck for that No. 6 position. Bitconnect currently at $2.075 Billion Market cap and Dash at $2.081 Billion Market cap.... it is very close now!

Full Steem Ahead!


I invested 100 dollars under you a couple months back. Today it is sitting at $190 invested and I have cashed out $100 dollars to my bank. So I am in the clear already(thanks to a couple small referral fees). I need to drop some more in soon to increase the rate of growth. :) Thank you for partnering with me on this journey.

No thank you and glad it is working out @joeyknowsbest

I know many think this is a ponzi scheme pyramid scam, and it very could well be, but there are also a lot of indicators that it is not a scam. Only time will tell, but from the recent actions taken by Bitconnect, in my opinion, it seems they are trying to maintain a viable business model that is evolving and changing to accommodate the different markets they are entering.

I don't think Bitconnect was started to ruin people. If it ends badly it will be because they make bad decisions down the line. A Ponzi would indicate that they are strictly taking new money to pay old money. When they obviously don't have to do that because they have their own block chain and coin.

What a perfect prediction mate! You said it will rise to the 6th position some days back...and here we are!!!

@progressivechef Thanks for paying attention. And yes I did make that call, but that one was actually relatively easy to call. Anyhow, I am starting to believe that the BCC coin could hit $1000 if and when Bitcoin hits $10,000 early next year. Or not.

@streetstyle Great post my friend and nice moving bit

lovely post...nice info...thanks for sharing

Great position and awesome Move
I hope bitconnect continue to growing

great post I like this...really nice & mind touch blog😍😍

Bitconnect is awesome! 1.3% daily profit

I will reinvest all profit until make USD500/day

I don't think it is that high @rtdcs unless you invest over $10k USD

Anything less that $5K will be just under 1% daily average. It does vary with Bitcoin price volatility. I would HIGHLY suggest taking your initial daily USD payments and Transfer them to the Bitconnect Coin Wallet and hold those. If possible, stake them in a BCC personal wallet. I believe that the BCC coin will continue to rise with the price increase of Bitcoin. I again believe that the BCC might even do better percentage wise than Bitcoin. Plus by staking them you eventually get interest/dividends on the BCC coin you convert daily and then stake.
But by doing this you do lose compound interest but it is a safer play, and even safer is to convert your daily USD payout to Bitconnect Coin (BCC) and then into Bitcoin. Then after you recoup a good portion, say 50% of 75% of your initial BTC (not dollars) then do some re-investment of your daily payout for compounding interest. Anyway, just some ideas and / or opinions.

Thanks for your tips my friend!

As the capital I invested is at risk I'm already prepared for the worst case scenario, which is to lose everything. What I want is to get big targets with controlled loss.

Your idea of ​​stake BCC is good. In fact, I think to store half the BCC and reinvest the rest, but only after reaching my first target, which is to receive USD 100 / day

But again, thanks for the tips, are certainly very intelligent and sincere.

@rtdcs Well you have the right mentality, and your acceptance of the risk versus the reward will put you on the path you seek.

I played it safe when I first started, received about 75% of my bitcoin back, then I re-invested 1 daily payout, then again at 80%, 85% and so on. i have now received 100% of my BTC and am currently taking daily payouts and holding them in BCC.
I believe that with Bitconnect's Market Cap of $2 Billion, it can easily double or triple that putting the BCC at $1000.
And Bitcoin, the Grand Daddy could easily hit $10k real soon too, so remember that when you re-invest and get paid out, it is in USD, so you don't want either coin to get to far ahead of you.
Anyhow, good luck and let me know if you have any questions.
ps. I have a friend who started around July with only $190, and he now has several hundred dollars worth in BCC and BTC plus his total invested now is around $450 and he receives about $20US about every 4 or 5 days. He is happy, thats for sure.

To be honest, I really doubt it's a scam! With these bitcoin volatility you can easily make such return daily...Also I realized yesterday that I could've made $10K more just by holding my BCC rather than lending them out!

Yeah, If I would have held the BCC coin instead of lending I would have made more that 5x the money versus 10%+ but I learn quick @ka82

Check the coinmarketcap...BCC went down to 15th position due to revised circulating supply!!!

was just reading in your previous post about bcc position and now it surpassed thanks for the updates man :)

thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts about bitconnect, it's great to hear that bitconnect coin is going to be traded on more exchanges soon, it's really helps the price of the coin and surely attracts more investors.

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