in #bitconnect7 years ago

Hi Everyone I have officially invested $10,540USD in my Bitconnect lending portfolio.

It was a tough decision and hoping to get rewarded in the process.

I have thought hard about compounding my interest to get higher returns, So please take a look at my finding and do let me know what you guys think.

1)Ok first thing first let's look at what I might be earning without any compounding interest

Official Bitconnect website calculator

ROI calculator.JPG

120 days fixed - we are looking at about roughly $15,000 in profit. ROI is 144% total principal is $26000USD

And after 120days I can take my money back and run the process with the house money.

2 ) Secondly, let's take a look at compound setup Im using the website


So if I have invested 100% of my interest for 120 days the table should look something like this:


On 120th day, 15th March my Total Principal should add up to roughly $47,000

******************************MY OFFER TO YOU*****************************************

If you Join my team I will be giving back the 5% referral bonus back to you.
This is a great way to minimize your risk in these types of investments.
Follow the steps and you will be credited same day or the next working day

Go to "Management Tools" > "Profile" > "Edit Sponsor" and type in : shan123

If you lend: $100 get $5
If you lend: $1,000 get $50
If you lend: $10,000 get $500
If you lend: $100,000 get $5,000

Send me an email at: [email protected] with your username, BCC wallet address, and the amount you lended.

Click the link bellow to get started.


Leave it with me I will get the bonus back to you as soon as I can


Funny that the website offers all those profit calculators. Playing into the greed psychology?

Compounding calculator is from a third party website,
Mind you these are extremely high risk investments and only invest what you dont mind loosing if everything goes against you.

Nice job! =) Do you got a sponsor?
If not, please add me on the left side under management tools and profile as your sponsor. Sponsorname: balesch

Thank you very much :)

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