
Thank you - I want to invest another 1010$ . But I wait to see answer from other people.

Check the mlm-levels. They reduced from 7 levels to 3 levels atm. That is a clear signal that someting is not ok. But wait what others will tell you.

Yes off course @lichtblick more than that we don't know about the company ownership still now from the beginning of that in feb 2016.. It's not a better idea to invest more on that. I guess.. Any time the company will disappear.. @dobartim

begining from 2017 not 2016

This is a valid argument. The exchange is centralized which offers a point of failure. We should ask them why it is centralized.

It's not important for earnings in this case

Or it could be that they want to sustain the business. It could be interpreted either way.

Don't listen to the people. Most of them are broke. Especially so-called crypto experts.

You're welcome. Here on steemit people all the time telling you how to vote, what to write, what is quality and where to invest YOUR money. Don't listen and do what you think is right. Most of the time doing the opposite is very profitable.I bought a lot of steem at $3,5 last year when I listen to steemit experts. Today when I upvote myself with $5 upvote they screaming that I'm raping reward pool. I don't care. Keep grinding, makedonće.

Haha, you're right, we should not listen to the advice of those who have no experience. I'm dealing with MLM for 20 years. I have only 2 cents for you :) @oldtimer

Don't waste your money on me. Help your friend minnows, I'll be fine. I like your comments anyway.

You are my friend - thanks for support.

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