in #bitcointalk6 years ago (edited)

One of the sure ways of entertaining oneself is participation in a sport program whatsoever, and this has been done by people right from the olden days when the earth was still at its crude state.But overtime, the sporting~platforms have improved steadily and progressively with the upgrade in technology and science.However, in this present age where almost all our activities are being done on the internet, a sport~betting scheme has been innovated to have sport lovers stake their resources nor money for bigger rewards provided they emerge as winners but the platforms which currently handles that program default in their operations.These defaults however, needs an urgent solution and right about now, BITGOALS platform has come to fix this industry.

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Bitgoals is a great platform that is inclined towards rewarding sport lovers well enough than before.The structure of sport~betting before is such that the entire platforms which runs the operation are of the centralized model. This type of structuring has proved to be futile and useless since it is very vulnerable to quites a lot of attacks and manipulations. Continuing in this type of betting~platforms will only incure more disaster to the many sport enthusiast in the world and eventually crumbles the sport~betting industry.But Bitgoals is all about preventing this from happening and that is why it has been designed in a fully decentralized.pattern to ensure the smooth running and profitability of staking for all lovers of games.
Bitgoal as a selfless company on the block~chain infrastructure has embraced the distributed pattern of running the beneficial sport~betting activities and is willing to give its total diligence and trusted commitment to users with the way it will be managing the staking process in the industry. Participants in this ecosystem however, will have nothing to worry about because all forms of transactions and means of verification of will be standardized with no loopholes for any third party advantage. The provision of Bitgoals in this industry will affirm full positive trust between multitude of participants from all over the world and will make the activity of staking somewhat more interesting than it use to be. Everyone of the Bitgoal participants will be as one in unison and this will birth a fair value system on which the sharing of rewards will be done perfectly.
Considering the benefits of the block~chain and how it is able to function effectively with great qualities, Bitgoals has adopted its greatness and advantages to achieve an astounding performance than existing platforms.This help would help boost the characteristics of this platform in displaying a much more distributed function than it is capable of offering on its own. With this, Bitgoals seeks to eliminate and put a stop to the activities and irregularities in the dysfunctional sport~betting setups.
Many issues have been associated with the dysfunctional sport~betting platform and one of them is the way participants are being trivialized when they should be payed according to their wins. There has been a major difficulty in withdrawing payments or rewards in the old staking structures and this alone has discouraged the further participation of many participants in the game. But on the good side, Bitgoals has designed a successful way of withdrawing and staking participants paid easily through the use of capable smart contracts which will take over this operation. This will be much more advantageous than the old method of releasing payments because using smart contracts will prevent the operation of mediators in the process. This is because these middlemen have been associated with the manipulations that do occur in the system so putting them away sounds like a very great idea.

Making mention of the standard techniques and ways by which Bitgoals will make fast and accurate payment possible during sport~betting is not all to its benefit, there is another benefit of it mitigating the chances of participants getting biased result which is usually as a result of the promotion of dubious activities in the systems. All the external parties that use to be a part of staking and usually instigate fraudulent practices will be hindered from accessing the bitgoal platform. Users will bw rewarded based on their level of participation and involvement in the game and most importantly, those participants that eventually decide to stake on as many games as possible will wouldn't be given less rewards but will be rewarded accordingly as they emerge as winners of the bets.

In conclusion, the provision of Bitgoals to revamp the sport~betting sector is not complete without making mention of the special mono wallet system which it offers to enable participants able to play any game of choice right from their single account which they have successfully opened in the platform. Staking in this wise now is made very affordable for everyone since there is no limit to the amount which could be staked by an individual. Everyone in Bitgoals has the privilege to play or bet with as little fund as such can use.

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