BITCOINS ARE NOT REAL - IS IT GOING TO SURVIVE - some 'Whys' and 'Hows' about Bitcoins every investor should think of...

in #bitcoins7 years ago

Back in 2010 no one ever thought that this digital currency named Bitcoin worth $0.24 is going to be worth more than $4,000. Imagine buying 4 Bitcoins, just 4 Bitcoins of worth $1 approx and having a profit of more than $16,000 in 2017. things moved pretty fast after Fab 06 2017 when first time on record Bitcoins hit the markup of $1,017 and went high dramatically.

Bitcoin price - just $0.24 in 2010
price dec 2010.JPG

Bitcoin price - touching more than $4,000 in 2017
price aug 2017.JPG

But here things become suspicious

giphy (1).gif

  1. If Bitcoins is nothing but a record in ledger than What makes it valuable??
  2. Why Bitcoins gained that much value in couple of years beating the Dollar and competing the Gold world wide??


3- Since the purpose of bitcoins is to make economy independent to Central System, What is the reaction of Federal Reserves and other Government organization to this crypto-currencies?

I will try to explain to you what the doubts and explanations we should think of,

let me first clarify to some of you who don't have the clear idea of the system of Bitcoins


Bitcoin is nothing but a record. take it like this, you can't see bitcoins, you can't touch it neither it is any type of precious metal or something. then what is it?? I am going to explain it to you in simple words...

Imagine yourself in a rasturant on a table with your 3 friends. You are here to eat some dinner with them, after having your meal it is time to pay the bill but wait... you all forgot your wallets at home. What to do now?
Now what you all do is, each of you pull out a Paper (ledger) and write down the amount of money you had in your real wallets like,
lets say you had $100 in your Wallet so you would write
Me : $100
you will also write your friend's name and amount after that as,
<name 1 > : amount
<name 2 > : amount
. . .
. . .
. . .

now all of you got the names and amount of every person on the table, after that you call the waiter to collect the bill. when waiter comes you hand him over a different page where your names and amounts are written along with waiter's name and amount (which is zero dollars for now), Now lets say the Bill is of $80 and you are 4 friends in total and you plan to divide the bill equally. so you all write in you ledger

friend 1 transferred $20 to the restaurant
friend 2 transferred $20 to the restaurant
friend 3 transferred $20 to the restaurant
friend 4 transferred $20 to the restaurant

and after checking if their is no fraud or cheating that is every one wrote honestly, every one will write again on the same paper.

restaurant received $20 from friend 1
restaurant received $20 from friend 2
restaurant received $20 from friend 3
restaurant received $20 from friend 4

now each and every one of the 4 friends and the waiter has the total history of the amounts one had and given or received. It should be noted that their is no real money is included.


  1. No real money
  2. Nothing
  3. Nothing
  4. Absolutely Nothing


  1. Just a writing which says "Hey! I have money"

The ledger is the register which records each and every movement of every single bitcoin and it is open so each and every person on earth has a record of it. record of every transaction they or others made.


I found this video to be most helpful to understand that
posting that here for you


I know I am going to get fired by some people around on saying that but believe me, I am going to clear it up more.. it is not like I am claiming bitcoins to be dangerous or planned bomb or something or I am claiming that there is something BIG is going on at the back of the stage. I am just saying that we should just re-look the things going around.

What is mining?? lets also make it simple and easy. I saw many videos and blogs on that and I am going to tell you what it really is in super simple words.

you had $100 when you were at the restaurant, remember?
after having dinner and transferring $20 to the restaurant $80 you got remained. now you were heading back to home driving you car and suddenly a man come right infront of your car and got hit, you stop the car head out of it to look to the victim and behind you there is police, they come for the victim and arrest him and thanks you to help them catching the theif. You are shocked to know that the guy you hitted was a running theif from police. Police reward you with $500 by the writing. The Police man also have the same paper where he has all the record of your transactions all the history ever written on the paper. he reward you by writing on your and his paper

Police transferred $500 to friend 1

after announcing to eact and every one using that paper game to write same thing down and checking it world wide to confirm that every one got the record he writes

friend 1 received $500 from the police

and each and every one who is having that paper writes that down..

Now that $500 came from the thin air , now no one losses the money because it is a Reward !


Here is where mining just happened..

there is no real post for miners in bitcoins world but tons of People on earth are volunteering for it. there are hardware available for mining. What that hardware do is solve the problems like the check on every transaction happened worldwide and solving any problem regarding the check and gets the reward from thin air. by hundreds of people I heard and talked to they say
This is how Programming is done
some like, its magic!
and thats how bitcoins are created and circulates around the globe.
according to the Basic programming done by the Anonymous creator of Bitcoins (on which I am going to come shortly), Bitcoins can never reach more than 20999999.9769 BTC of amount. Thats Magic too (thats the factor of programming actually)

Who Created Bitcoins? - Who is the Founder??


** An Anonymous Programmer**, thats what they say.
Someone from the thin air under Satoshi Nakamoto programs the bitcoins and then people start liking it and it gets so popular over time. I have no objection against that but what I feel is there is something going on behind the stage because Satoshi Nakamoto himself denied to be the founder of Bitcoins, here is the video proof of that

Will Bitcoins survive or Continue to price higher as is it now??

Bitcoins are volatile, no one can trust it. we should accept that bitcoins now is the best thing to invest in but there is no guarantee when it will fall down again.
it is the Fact that currently Bitcoins are the most less volatile crypto-currency as compared to other crypto-currencies, here is the chart which compares the ongoing volatility of the currencies so far..


I just posted for How Money Works where I described how our money system entirely works at

and part-2 at

in these Blogs I explained how currency works and What I believe is it is implanted on us and are forced to run after that. Now looking to current situation it seems like they are planing to plant something bigger. Bigger than we could imagine. It is not like I am blaming or claiming something, it is just I want people to re-check deeply whats exactly going on

Greed is the best thing to make people blind,
the news maker knows that
and I envy their mind of strategy
because this is the strategy of the century...


There are many individuals who find their way from the bitcoins and leading happy life, good for them. but we should know and check if there is anything weird going on. we Human kind lost much in past when greed is there to greet.
that is when We Don't Want To Look At Reality!
Stay Safe, Stay illuminated

I am looking forward to continue to research and finding more about it
tell me in the comments what you feel about it..


Coin Marketplace

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TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63114.90
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SBD 2.72