in #bitcoinnews7 years ago


One of the benefits of cryptocurrnecy technologies like Bitcoin is that all transactions are supposed to be anonymous. But new evidence put forth by researchers from Princeton University suggests that hidden tracking cookies within the Bitcoin platform can actually link transactions directly to users via their activities across the rest of the web.
Third party tracking cookies linked to online e-commerce websites that support Bitcoin can leave a trail of evidence behind user transactions that essentially de-anonymize them, report found. Even when using blockchain anonymity like coinjoin users can still find that their Bitcoin transactions arent as private as they think they are." Based on tracking cookies, the transaction can be linked to the users activities across the web", the report explains. "and based on well -known Bitcoin adresses clustering techniques,m it can be linked to their other bitcoin transactions". This revelation will probably come as a surprise to bitcoin veterans, many of whom adopted the cryptocurrency as an alternative fiat currencies that are easily manipulated , and in many cases tracked. The essesnce of Bitcoin has always been that its a decentralized , anonymous monetary platform with limited outside interference, But this apparently isnt the case.

Another problem odentified in the research is the surprisingly large number of online merchants that accept Bitcoin while sharing customer data with third -party companies. This suggests that many Bitcoin users are not only having their identities illegally sold to other entities.

Nearly half of all leaked Bitcoin payment information is done so intentionally for advertising and analytics purposes. This can include Bitcoin addresses, Bitcoin denominated price information , and personally - identifiable information about people who use Bitcoin .

While these problems arent exclusive to Bitcoin, they do plague this popular platform to a much higher degree than users realize. And the fact that Bitcoin is amongst the most widely - used cryptocurrency in the world makes it serious cause for concern from a privacy standpoint.

With this be careful Bitcoin users , I recommend just holding and thats it .

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I hate that people don't know the truth behind crypto. Crypto is inherently NEVER perfectly anonymous. It follows the idea that if they make it sufficiently hard enough to crack it, nobody will bother and few will succeed.

Given the right kind of computational power and intelligence, everything can be de-anonymized.

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