Is the Bitcoin to Bitcoin Cash Flippening really happening?

in #bitcoincash7 years ago (edited)

A lot of people thought Ethereum would overtake Bitcoin as the reigning king, but that will obviously never happen, due to the simple fact that it has an unlimited print run.

Although, now we see Bitcoin Cash, which was once counted out by Bitcoin "purists", (which I always found funny by the way, considering the fact that Bitcoin Cash, is actually the true vision of Satoshi Nakamoto over what Bitcoin is currently) is now more profitable for miners to mine.

At least over the next few days according to Bitcoin guru Jimmy Song.

Oh, and if you didn't watch the World Crypto Network video released earlier today, super Bitcoin Cash hater Tone Vays wasn't his usual self, and didn't mention a word about Bitcoin Cash as he went over his normal voodoo chart routine.

I was laughing the entire time... it was so memorable.

Anywho, what say you guys and gals? Will we see Bitcoin Cash overtake Bitcoin, or will the brand new Bitcoin in November have what it takes to replace them all?

Bitcoin Cash more Valuable to Mine than Bitcoin


It is not easy to say which Bitcoin will suceed. It seemed that the best compromise would be Segwit2x. At the moment there is very much speculation. That's why you should not look at short time price swings.

I hear you, but at least now the Bitcoin purists will actually see that they aren't as untouchable as they once believed.

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