The Facebook Creep Factor is going into High Gear (they want to know more about Andreas Antonopoulos)

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Every once in a while Facebook asks you to do a survey and the questions are pretty funny sometimes and other times they are downright creepy. The nature of some of these questions suggests that there's a stalker problem or that there's some sort of obsession. It's really nothing more than the fact that I'm interested in blockchain technology. There's a sort of poetic justice at play here where a centralized platform asks questions about the very subject that is about to disintermediate their technology and make them irrelevant...

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Here's a sampling of some of the questions asked...

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Well one of the questions asked why I follow Andreas Antonopoulos and I gave a pointed answer under the option "other" as stated below...

Because I'm a software developer interested in blockchain technology which is the technology that is going to eventually make centralized platforms like Facebook irrelevant. Your questions have a high degree of relationship and emotional connotation as if you're trying to figure out how you can supply information to your corporate masters on how to push subconscious buttons to further extract wealth from a slave ridden public.

Give it up. Your methods of commerce are a dinosaur and deserve technical disintermediation. Your rent seeking, parasitic behavior is an unethical business model and your data collection which creates a digital panopticon through central databases is a welfare risk to the general public. Equifax magnitude data breaches are the reason why I work on this technology because direct P2P without central authority is now possible.

Somehow I doubt anyone will actually read it. If they do, it's all but certain that they won't change their ways, but continue down the path to the "bargaining" phase in the 5 stages of grief for the industry they are about to lose...

(credit - Andreas Antonopoulos)

About the only reason I use FB anymore is to create a steady stream of links back to raising awareness for others on FB that there are much better alternatives.

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this is a good thing

Because I'm a software developer interested in blockchain technology which is the technology that is going to eventually make centralized platforms like Facebook irrelevant.

This gives me hope. Facebook should be irrelevant when there is Steemit and maybe some other decentralized sites in the future. If someone that experienced says that with such confidence, I sleep better :)

About the only reason I use FB anymore is to create a steady stream of links back to raising awareness for others on FB that there are much better alternatives.

Why use it for something else? :D
I mean, shit tone of ads, them making money from us are already enough reasons to not use it.

great post btw

"Somehow I doubt anyone will actually read it. "
I was scanning through your post and when I saw this, I had to read that post xd.

The beautiful thing about this new technology is that, rather than having to "compete" with traditional corporate models, people will naturally gravitate towards it once they recognize what it can do for them.

Maybe there will be plenty of people that stay on FB. But anyone who's remotely interested in real conversation, exchange of ideas, and a real sense of community should immediately recognize Steemit's superiority.

Honestly it's difficult for me to wrap my head around how elites don't understand this kind of thing. I'm beginning to realize that a lot of them aren't evil, they're just truly ignorant of the human condition. Those of us who aren't will replace them.

Wow, dropping truth bombs all over the place! Zuck's confidence in his platform and idiotic commentary by men who know nothing of cryptocurrency (cough Warren Buffet cough) will only further draw him away from the inevitability that he is becoming obsolete, and that feeding the hungry corporations food that isn't his will eventually come back to bite him!

Great, helpful post

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