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RE: The negative articles on bitcoin

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Good post. It is a bubble. Per say. But it's not. It will crash. For sure. Like it did what a week maybe two ago. For a day. Next correction could be a month long. A year. Gnna happen. But a bubble falls to the floor. This won't. It will correct. Consolidate. And go up again. The only X factor is if market cap keeps rising exponentially so will btc. Profit taking doesn't outweigh new entrants they won't be able to rebuy in as low as they hope. My biggest X factor however is btc market dominance aka market share is down like 50%. The more money enters and the more new companies roll out and put to action new things the more money will leave btc and go to them. So it's possible btc comes down and others go up. There's also the bitcoin is the gold of cryptos. So even if it's not used like others will be it might hold its value as a store of wealth forever. It's hard to say. But bubble. Hahaha no.


I agree that a rebalancing will take place between these cryptos. Therein lies the danger for the investor. There's no paradigm here to know where safety lies. But probably at any given time you must be involved in the top five crypto currencies and probably speculate in a very few new ones. So I rather spread out my risks.

Nail on the head. And a % of ur holdings should be buy in dips and hold while it's cheap. Hold for years. So many good projects companies chains that are pennies to a dollar to spread out. then take a percentage for your hunches and "play with" shares as I call it. then the biggest percentage invested in the top 5 and even 10 at any given time. If I was an investment firm doing a generic platform that'd be my outline for the average investor.

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