The Global Reset

in #bitcoin8 years ago

It seems that the world is in the midst of a global reset. You see this throughout the world with shootings, pollution, cover-ups corporate greed and politics. Trust is something that is nonexistent. Whether it be Banks, insurance companies, Big oil or Media. Even The TPP, NAFTA, and copyright acts are under scrutiny as the corrupted governments hold all the cards. The elite have bought everything and has left us with nothing. With 1% owing more wealth than the 99% below them, tensions are growing and are spilling over. Did Satoshi Nakamoto foreseen these events play out when he began to write the code for Bitcoin? We may never know, but because of Bitcoin and Blockchain technology, Satoshi may have given us a way out and opened up a new paradigm towards economic prosperity and freedom. 

Blockchain startups are utilizing the power of P2P decentralization, and just as we went from Napster to LimeWire to Bit Torrent, the web and social media is bringing forth the same changes. The same changes that resist censorship. We will bring down the dinosaur age of Centralized corruption and begin the new revolution, the fourth industrial revolution, where nothing will be censored, borders will be non-existent and the power brought back to the people.     


Did Satoshi Nakamoto foreseen these events play out when he began to write the code for Bitcoin?

My guess is yes. The coinbase phrase he used for Bitcoin's genesis block was:

"The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks"

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