World Class Bitcoin Education

in #bitcoin6 years ago

A lot of BTC worldclassplayers at the BTC Unconfiscatable Conference

Bitcoin is so much so a reflection of how our minds work and the very blockchain itself - how many minds do we need?! Well that's a bit of a rhetorical as there's a consensus into there being any number of minds...concrete...abstract...flexible...stubborn...conscious...unconscious...quantum... Sound

Point here is the regards for the flow in how it works on a basic level -

Here is the "blockchain analogy for mind"

Mind is like the Stream of Consciousness so to speak...and it's a bit by bit process of bites...sound bites...and they can be constant...or there can be's also like bites are 1's ...and 0's are space...silence...we create space for the stuff....1's and 0's Man.

Here is a stellar amount of BTC info for anyone serious on their BTC Education: A Real World Class Conference - For Sure.

00:13:10 - Bitcoin in the Media w/ Thomas Hunt, Vortex, Peter McCormack, Corey Hughes 00:34:20 -

The Bitcoin Standard w/ Saifedean Ammous 01:17:41 -

Bitcoin Development w/ Jimmy Song, Peter Todd, Johnny Dilley, Pavel Moravec 02:39:10 -

Has the Role of the VC Changed w/ Trace Mayer, Max Keiser, Stacy Herbert 03:27:50 -

Fundamentals vs Technical Trading w/ Tyler Jenks, Ugly Old Goat, Murad Mahmudov, Leah Wald, Tone Vays 05:32:10 -

The Keiser Report w/ Max Keiser 06:07:50 -

Why Bitcoin Not Blockchain? w/ Giacomo Zucco, Johnny Dilley, Jimmy Song, Tone Vays 07:12:52 -

Role & Impact of Regulation w/ David Silver, Sasha Hodder 08:08:40 -

Where is Bitcoin Price Going? w/ Tyler Jenks, Ugly Old Goat, Murad Mahmudov, Leah Wald, Tone Vays 08:57:16 -

Bitcoin’s Value Proposition w/ Tone Vays 09:47:25 - Audience Q&A

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63277.26
ETH 2570.12
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.82