in #bitcoin7 years ago


Hello from Sevilla, Spain.

I have a few facts/ideologies to kick around with you because there is something going on behind the scenes that "WE" are not paying attention to. We are lost in the confusion, distractions and seperation of our Culture, People and "OUR" Monetary System/American Dream.

23 countries (60% of the world’s GDP) are setting up swap lines which bypass the US dollar and SWIFT System, which is the dollar-based worldwide financial transaction system.

These countries include Russia, China, India, and even Germany, France, and the United Kingdom to name a few.

Now just imagine where ALL these US Dollars are going when they are being RETURNED back to the US Treasury!

Could it be that the TPTB are using these returned US Dollars to hide inflation? How would they hide inflation: using it to create Economy in a new sector that they are going to move us into. If they re-invested into Crypto this sure would be the perfect storm because then they can accomplish 3 important issues:

  1. Hide the real inflation statistics until they want to bring the ENTIRE system down
  2. Wipe out the remaining Middle Class
  3. Have EVERY sector of the Economy taken down at the same time: Housing, Student /Credit Card/Personal/Business Loans, Wall St. bubble and finally the US Dollar!!!!

If ALL this happened at the same time there would be no where to start and rebuild/create a new system: "Of/for the People!!!" They know this. 1/2 of the US population wont even survive to fight them!

To understand this you have to go back to April 15, 1912. This was the day the Titanic sank. Who was aboard this vessel on the pre-planned day it sank with a 33 degree Mason as the Captian? In fact, Edward Smith came out of retirement just to take on this last voyage (The end justifies the means).

Research the prominent families that were aboard because they ALL have one (1) thing in common: They would have NEVER permitted a FEDERAL RESERVE!!!! Their ancestors came to the New World because they were sick and tired of King Georges lawlessness, control and stranglehold on its population.

The Federal Reserve was established on C-Mas day at 2:00am with only several Senators present for the vote. This is complete TREASON!!!

Please watch this video in its entirety because we are now living in the nightmare that this Treaty was planned to accomplish.

Please understand these 3 important issues:

  1. All TREATIES OVERRIDE ALL CONSTITUTIONS! They are valid/enforceable for 100 years....

  2. Have you ever wondered why TAX DAY is on this date (April 15)? Even know the date changes due to Leap-Year, THEY still stick this date in your face!!! Their MOCKING you!!!!

  3. When did the WORLD Economy start to go bust (Started in 2008 and ran to 2013)? Look at the above info/dates again. Its been 100 years!!!

  4. Could it be that China is now enforcing their SECRET Treaty that was establised in 1912 - when all Countries agreed to place their gold into a new BIS Banking System that would be created in 1930 (all Countries file Bankruptcy)? Where did ALL USA factories go??????

        "The Emergency Banking Act (the official title of which was the Emergency Banking Relief Act), Public Law 1, 48 Stat. 1 
        (March 9, 1933), was an act passed by the United States Congress in March 1933 in an attempt to stabilize the banking 
        system. Beginning on February 14, 1933, Michigan, an industrial state which had been hit particularly hard by the Great 
        Depression in the United States, declared an eight-day bank holiday. "

When you ask the normal person on the streets: Do you know what/how Bitcoin/Crypto really works? 90% will answer NO. Now this makes me wonder on how many individual people are really investing into the Cryptocurrency sector.

Dont get me wrong. I would suggest EVERYONE get up to date and invest because there is a HUGE oportunity here to structure a NEW system when this old one falls. Besides that, in several years Crypto will be the only way to settle financial transactions.

I am 100% LONG on Steemit crypto because it offers a GREAT platform for US "like minded people" to conversate and Youtube is censoring EVERYONE I follow. This will no doubt lead to their demise as a unbiased/open minded organization. Buy/Sell their stock short in about two months...

If we as "THE PEOPLE" do not stand up and take this bull by the horns - we have nowhere to turn when they decide to take our current fraudulent system down.

If you have got to this point thank you for reading. Please investigate all details for yourself because it will give you clues on where we are in their pre-plans.

2016 was the 400 anniversary of Shakespeare (really Bach). Andy Warhols quote comes from Shakespeare: All the world’s a stage & all the men and women are merely players. Every man will have his 15min of fame. You also have your own predetermined role in this Holographic world. It takes a good and bad "ROLE" to enter into WORLD-WAR!!! What role is Putin playing????

P.S. My next article will be about Fort Knox and its emptied vaults. The same thing was done to the Twin Towers. This was to ensure that the USA can NEVER get back on its feet because they have no Gold stored in order to print money in a new Gold backed system (I know about the hidden Gold mines in the Western US. It will take WAR to get it back in the hands of the People!) Even this new Gold backed system with be: Who has the most Gold makes the rules!!!!





the Titanic was an insurance fraud, it had a sister ship that was damaged beyond repair, but it was patched up and the names switched and all the engraved and embroidered items with the ship names switched out too.
You are absolutely correct about the families aboard. There is no conclusion but that these bankster people will do literally ANYTHING to maintain their exclusive franchise on the money power.


Hello from SPain. Thanks for commenting. At least your awake. I am happy to see people waking up because if they dont stop this - and now - we will all loose worldwide.

This is how far they are willing to go:


the other thing to remember about all the overseas dollars being returned to the USA is the promised unwind of the Fed's balance sheet. The dollars coming back should be quite infllationary, and the unwind of their balance sheet should be quite DEflationary, and IMO, they are hoping the two forces cancel each other out.
We've been awake in my house for a few years. I used to believe that if we reached some critical mass of people knowing the truth, it would eventually be universally known. But, I no longer believe in trying to wake people up, I will only throw a small fact for them to trip over, maybe it will make them start asking questions and looking for the answers. Most people learn best when they learn for themselves, and don't like being told they don't know something that is , to us anyway, so glaringly obvious. And I heard something the other day that made me aware of another fact; that is, the propaganda MSM reaches more new listeners everyday, than all of our efforts combined. So I no longer know if we are on the right side of history. We are on the right side of the TRUTH to be sure.

I am at the same stage. Even my family cant seem to wrap their heads around it. Then when you get into the fraud behind our B/C they completely lose it and shut you down.

I agree. Let them stumble over the same rock over and over until they figure it out.


good post!you have upvote from me when you post it!

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