Why i see crypto currency still going a long way!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

In a world that's constantly advancing and technologies are becoming better and better, things we never dreamed would be possible is now possible, so many unexpected things that have taken place.

Could we possibly be looking at the future of money with cryptos?

Well lets talk a little bit about "Bitcoin" the most popular crypto currency around to date!

Well as we should all know Bitcoin was recently declared legal as a trading currency in Japan which caused massive amounts of Yen to be flooded into the market influencing the price of Bitcoin enormously and causing great popularity around bitcoin world wide.

As of July 1 2017 bitcoin in Japan is exempted from consumption tax in Japan which is a massive positive for the currency as there was a lot of speculation and doubts with their previous fee of 8% which is now 0%!

With that short background on what's recently happened with Bitcoin I will now explain to you why I think you should be buying as much bitcoin now well you still can.

If I can ask you one question it would be, "who is the worlds two biggest distributing countries?", that would be China & Japan wouldn't it? Now we've got them on board with Bitcoin which in my opinion as them being the worlds biggest distributers that leads to influencing the entire world to edge towards using the crypto currency too, there's no logical sense as to why this wouldn't be a massive influence as Bitcoin is a cheaper and easier solution for them to now do business with leading to them wanting their customers (The whole world basically) to use it too.

This is just the begin of something a lot bigger for the crypto currency world.

We have a lot of speculation around crypto currencies being in a "bubble" as they call it. I can fully disagree with this based on the following.

The markets are so volatile at the moment because people are buying into the currencies without actually leaning about them and doing their homework on them so we've got these masses constantly buying and selling without actually knowing what the heck they doing! They are simply just scared of missing out on another massive return on their money, its people looking to make quick money.

If you are one of these people in my honest opinion you're looking at the entire thing wrong, invest your money into the currency now and hold it, continuously read the latest news articles and follow it daily, you will soon see why I believe this is the future of money then! Bitcoin is in its early days of becoming legalized in countries and as they progress they start running into a few flaws but they taking the actions they need to in order to accommodate the regulations and are leading the crypto currency world into a very positive direction.

We all know for a fact that the worlds masses are against banks and their personal details being shared with them, the masses get what they want in this world and as soon as the masses actually learn what these crypto currencies have to offer and their potential (they will find out as now with this massive talk about bitcoin there's constant advertising, seminars and people talking about it now) its just a matter of time and patience.

If you are smart enough and can buy into these currencies now before the masses get to it you're still going to be in for one amazing ride!

With the above already you should be able to start seeing the bigger picture of Bitcoin in particular.

Now lets just look at Bitcoin as "gold" (I by no means compare this to gold), what is the silver? LiteCoin! So then with you having this in mind and with us knowing that there will only ever be 21 Million bitcoins ever to exist (Just under 17 Million bitcoin in circulation now). We have the majority of crypto holders still looking at just bitcoin. So why not start buying the silver now well nobody is really that interested in it, while its still so cheap because once there's no more "gold" to buy the next thing to buy is "silver" so buy it now before you caught up on the high prices of LiteCoin when there's no mote BitCoin.

This is all my personal opinion on bitcoin and I'm very open to friendly debate and learning more from one another. As I like to look at things in this way: "if you can try see the future, evolve for the future and be the future you're in for a really good time and that applies for anything you do in life!"

Stop reading the investors articles and predictions of crypto currencies and actually learn about them, how they originated, how they mined, how the blockchain system works, start following the "product" itself and then you yourself can make the decision as to weather or not its the future and I say this is the future!


Crypto currency is simply the way forward. Thanks for sharing this informative article.

I fully agree with you! Thanks for taking the time to read it, this is the first time I've ever written an article of any sort but I had to share what I'm seeing in this world.

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