What Coin Will Overtake Bitcoin In Market Value First?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

This recent surge in crypto-mania has revealed some troubles with Bitcoin, and someone is going to overtake the top dog in the future.

Bitcoin is slow, expensive and now really only seen as a great store of wealth. That doesn't bode well for it being used in our daily lives. That doesn't mean that crypto won't be integrated into our lives soon, but what coin will it be?

It's hard to argue that Ripple has a real chance at breaking through, but it is still controlled by the banks for better or worse. It has such a large supply that if it hit around $6 it would overtake the current value of Bitcoin. I think we are still a long ways away from that, but it has been steady gaining in marketshare lately while almost everything else has gone down.  A case could be made for Ripple.

Ethereum is a more dominant platform and seems to have the technical advantage, but one of the coins on the Ethereum blockchain could be one to break through. I find it doubtful that Ethereum could overtake Bitcoin in the sort-term, but in the long-run I'm willing to bet it will.

Litecoin is one that has seen some incredible growth recently, is much cheaper and faster to use, but has such a long way to go to catch Bitcoin. I think that Litecoin really fills some holes in the marketplace, but if crypto is accepted for daily use, the larger supply coins could do better.

Could something like Dash be the one?

What about Steller Lumens? They have been around for a while and are working with some major companies. A case could be made for Steller I guess.

To be honest, I have no idea what will overtake Bitcoin and if you would have asked me a month ago, I would say that nothing would challenge the king. But now, with $100 transaction fees and slow times, it only feels like a matter of time now.

(all GIFs from www.giphy.com)

I am very interested in your thoughts. We're all just guessing here, but would love to know what coin you think will overtake Bitcoin and when you think they'll do it. Let me know in the comments below.

Thanks for reading.


STEEM will overtake bitcoin..... It will come from 40th place to 1st place....and we are going to leave behind google in Alexa rankings...(already at 1st place in transactions)

I'm so much postive...

That would be awesome and I love your positivity. Cheers to $10,000 Steem!

I've been telling people that BTC is bound to lose long term. That's why I got out of BTC and fully into ETH at the start of the summer....a little too early, haha. Typically BTC has maintained 50% or more market share, but this is inevitable to lose too. I'm not sure if it will ever regain that again.

Nice post!

Thank you for the kind words. I agree with you, but have no idea on the timeline. I would have never guessed it would hit $20K in 2017. It's a crazy world. Thanks for the great reply. You got a new follower.

Great Post! I believe that IOTA might overtake bitcoin. This is because they have amazing technology and it can be used regularly to buy/sell. They have no fees and their transaction happens in seconds, therefore this seems like an ideal candidate to beat Bitcoin. I will also like to hear what you think about this.

IOTA has a great shot. Good point. It is one that could really do it because of the technology. Thanks for the great reply. you have a new follower.

I guess it is possible, but I'm just not a big fan of it. That's just me though. Thanks for the feedback and you got a new follower.

I mean it received a lot of bashing but if you like BTC, BCH is the same thing only done right (IMHO).

Bitshares of course

That would be awesome.

Im going with a longshot but I think TRON is set to make a big move in 2018 putting it in a position to eventually be the king.

Great publication
Greetings for your work

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