Increased number of vacant posts related to Baytkin on both Linkedin and Upwork platforms

in #bitcoin7 years ago

The number of jobs related to Baytkin and the digital currency has been growing rapidly on sites like Linkedin and Upwork in recent years. Reports from both platforms also show an increase in the list of skills related to digital currency and blockbuster technology. Linkedin reports show that the increase was more than 500% in the list of skills related to the digital currency. Most industry-related job listings are for the software industry. While digital currency jobs in the software industry continue to expand, with an increase in the number of such lists, which account for 460% of the total listings compared to three years ago. The list of digital currency jobs in the financial services industry has also increased by nearly 900% over the past three years.


In recent years, the dependence of Betquin has increased significantly on a large scale. This was reflected on Linkedin through the social media network, which suggests that those citing digital currency skills have increased 28 times what they were four years ago.
, Which became the second largest growing segment on the website in the third quarter of 2017. It is also reported that the Upwork platform has seen a 2625% increase in the number of free-business invoices related to the industry compared to 2016. The It is also reported that Stanford University is planning to launch a detailed course covering digital currencies and blockbuster technology.


Thus, the data from the Linkedin and Upwork platforms add to a growing set of data that demonstrate the move of the Betquin towards the broader adoption stage. Forbes recently published an article entitled "It's the 1994 digital currency stage" - citing the common characteristics of the pre-digital currency industry and the early stages of Internet boom in 1990. The article argues that the global adoption of digital currency is currently estimated by 0.5% of the total population, twice the "0.25%" rate that constituted consumers who had an Internet connection in 1994.

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