Bitcoin is the the Internet Explorer of 2006. Own it, but don't mine it.

in #bitcoin7 years ago

I'm not some Bitcoin hater or some AltCoin fanatic. I'm just a guy who likes to trust the numbers and fundamentals. I recently started on Genesis Mining and bought myself Dash and Etherum contracts which I expect to be better investments in the long run. Here is why. Bitcoin today is what Internet explorer was in 2005-6

Dash and ETH will have a better future as better service providers. Of course there are other coins to mine that would also have a brighter future. But Dash and Ether are the safest no-brainier bets. IE used to be the #1 browser. In mid 2000s that position started to shake. It happened slowly. It wasn't some mass exodus or crash. Just gradual loss of market share. Bitcoin has already lost a good chunk of it's previous 90%+ market share. The governance, transaction time/cost privacy, usability are all much behind the new kids in the block.

Etherum practically created the blockchain 2.0 and others such as Waves has followed. Dash is simply the best version of what bitcoin would ever hope to be. Of course you'll have to wait till the features of Dash Evolution to be fully implemented to witness Bitcoin become a relic. It will certainly take a couple of years and BTC still can go much higher (Hell, it could triple in the coming year) But mining - specially cloud mining is a long term commitment. Therefor I highly advise against putting your resources on MINING Bitcoin.

Own it. Use it. But when it comes to mining, Dash and ETH are far better and wise options to pick. You can even choose to mine some other coin you like. But remember that Bitcoin will be the first (important crypto) to go to the Museum just as it was the first to come.

BTW my Genesis Mining code is PL3Qx6
You can use it to get a 3% discount. Just make sure to mine Dash or Etherum.... or at least Monero. It's better for the long run :-)

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