Need $50 in CryptoCurrency to get you started?

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)


Many do not have jobs but have access to internet. Many of those who have access are not earning anything.

Want to keep blogging and earn more besides author or curation rewards on #steemit?

I want to help you by providing the tools necessary to help you get started.

  • Earn $50 in CCBM CryptoCurrency for free signup
    *Earn $10 for every referral
  • 100% Free Sign Up

CCBM CRYPTOCURRENCY will launch very soon. 13 Days as of today.

Don't miss your chance and sign up now.

If you want to help a hobo out, you can donate simply by signing up free to my referral link here below:

Much love to my fellow bums.

We wouldn't be bums if everyone kept working and stop paying. Just ask @FreeBornAngel he will tell you.


Man, be careful, you remember what dropping my name got you in the skype chat,...

It's ok if you want to run with my ideas, I am denied fame by my backstory, but if you get rich, don't forget me, eh?,...

Its an idea that I 100% agree with and understand enough to jump on board.

I will give credit where credit is due. And I am already rich. I have everything I could possibly need to last me until 1pm tommorrow.

I will never forget.

I might have to check that out when it's fully launched

Sign up is free and ypu get 50 for just doing it. 12 days left.

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