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RE: Bounty: 10 steem - Any news related to this +1'000 USD BTC jump?

in #bitcoin6 years ago

I think it's manipulation. There are "coin conferences" going on everywhere. This gives people opportunity to talk and meet each other in person. If you get enough people together with the $$ it's possible to plan for a $1000 swing in less than 8 hours.

The EOS surge is due to some airdrop on the 15th. By Weds it should be down where it was. That's what I think.

I think TA is good and I spend time watching good ones. The social and unregulated element in this- is the piece that shakes it all up.

OR what if there's someone or some company going all in soon. Then you've got the insiders or rumors because they all want to get in before that happens.

I think along with TA - the rumors, events and whatever else I start to hear from more than one person on more than one platform, I spend time digging there.


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