Orvium: Innovations in Research Publishing

in #bitcoin6 years ago

It’s possible to say that the worldwide science publishing is a rather profitable industry. The top five science publishers possess 50%-70% of all publications, so their profits have exceeded those of Google, Amazon and Apple. In 2015 the capitalization of scientific, technical, and medical (STM) global market was estimated at approximately $25 billion.

But the triple-pay system created by the scientific publishers is quite awkward: 

(1) government fundы establish the research topic,

(2) volunteer scientists review the work,

(3) publishers sell the product back to the governmental institutions and universities. 

Not surprisingly, this system is constantly criticized because of its ineffective model. It blocks the development of scientific knowledge and stops the necessary revolutionary changes in the society. Summing up, science publication industry has a lot of problems: 

  • high publication costs; 
  • most rights are held by publishers and not by the authors; 
  • long and biased publication and peer review processes; 
  • lack of rewards and reviewers recognition; 
  • low-quality journals expansion.


Orvium intends to solve these market problems and improve the quality and the effectiveness of research publication. The goal of Orvium is to become the leader of the research publication and share the benefits of the science with society.

Orvium provides a unique integration of cutting-edge technologies: Ethereum blockchain and smart contracts, decentralized storage solutions, big data analytics, and cloud computing. The project creates a special platform that processes, validates, and disseminates research data and results. This platform has several key features:

  • Instantaneous proof-of-existence. Manuscripts are available when they are submitted to Orvium.
  • Copyright and licenses are owned and transferable by the authors. Authors control their work and have rights to potential economic benefits.
  • Optimal publication and access costs. No monopoly or oligopoly.
  • Efficient framework with decentralized journals and low maintenance and operational costs.

How it works?

As it was mentioned above, Orvium introduces a new business model into the science market combining four core technologies: 

  1. blockchain and smart contracts; 
  2. decentralized storage 
  3. cloud computing; 
  4. big data analytics and machine learning.

Blockchain and Smart Contracts

Papers, reviews, reviewers, citations, authors, etc. are modeled and stored within the blockchain. Every submission, modification and review is registered in the system and the full life cycle of the work becomes publicly available. This is a completely new model, introducing numerous benefits: automatic publications, open and transparent review process, citation checks, author validations, analytics etc. 

Decentralized Storage

Protocols, such as IPFS, have proven their utility by serving billions of files across global peer-to-peer networks. They are available worldwide, work offline, give permanence to digital information, have no single point of failure and nodes do not need to trust each other. Orvium’s team is determined to create a fully decentralized organization with decentralized storage for papers and scientific material.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing gives access to shared system resources pools and higher-level services that can be rapidly provisioned with minimal management effort, providing flexibility, global availability and scalability.

Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning Integration

Blockchain transactions are unbreakable, they are stored in a decentralized way and publicly available. This allows to perform open, complex and real-time data analytics on any Orvium data transaction.

Orvium combines big data analytics and machine learning technologies and integrates them into the blockchain to create profound digital infrastructure for scientific research effective management and facilitation. Big data empowers Orvium to join data sources such as transactions in the blockchain and existing research literature, while machine learning unlocks valuable insights. 

Orvium Public API

The Orvium platform will be accessible via an open source and public API. The API will provide access to all the business logic, data and meta-data from data storage and the blockchain.

ORV Tokens 

Orvium provides complex system of token rewards for different procedures.

Peer Review

Researchers acting as peer reviewers will submit their reviews to Orvium. This represents a change in the life-cycle of the manuscript reviewed, therefore it will also create a public proof-of-existence and authorship of the review in the blockchain.

ORV Token for Peer Reviews Rewards

Reviewers are free to submit reviews to any manuscript at any time. The reviewer may claim the specified amount in case there is a stake in a manuscript submission. If a stake is not available, then the author may not reward the reviewers.

Publish Research Data

Authors can at any moment share the data used in the research. For that authors are able to choose the licensing and copyright model that fits the best.

Copyright and License

User licensing is completely determined by the authors or owner, i.e. they determine the rights to print, redistribute, download, translate or re-use, and they can alter these rights at any time. Depending on the license chosen, downloading or re-using the manuscript may or may not require an Orvium transaction. 

Decentralized Journals

Both individuals and institutions can publish their own decentralized journals. They will be hosted in the Orvium decentralized infrastructure and it will significantly reduce all the costs.

ORV Token and Analytics Data

The usage of data derived from Orvium’s big data and machine learning platform that can be applied to improve market opportunities of the different actors will be made available in exchange of ORV tokens. 


Orvium is a perspective project with the solution for research market publications. It offers great innovations and opportunities for the authors. Its innovative technologies simplify the publishing procedures and also prevent monopoly and oligopoly on the market by establishing a decentralized system.

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Found this project from the Amazix team, it is highlighted in hot. I think this project should shoot well, I will participate!

He really is hot and he has a good chance of success!

Soon everything will be on the Blockchain and the decentralized vaults. I'm interested, but will there be enough data centers for all and storage facilities?

I think enough, a lot of power in the world. All is enough.

Most likely this platform will have a good audience, the scope is very large.

I agree the scale is fascinating! ;)

Very interesting start-up, I get to know how they thought it all out. I will follow him if they start to raise funds well, then I'll take the same part!

I think the fees will pass very quickly. Hardcap small.

Is there information on which exchanges will agree on adding an ORV token? What exchanges are planned?

So far I have not found such information, but we will follow the news.

Lately, there are a lot of interesting projects, but this one caused me a special interest. I like what they do and I think that they have a great future! Thanks for the review.

I'm glad that you share my opinion.

A really necessary platform, since publishers and researchers have a number of problems.

Exciting start-up, I get to know how they thought it all out. I will follow him if they start to raise funds well, then I'll take the same part!

I did not know that only five publishers own almost the entire market. With Blockchain technology, soon in all spheres, there will be no monopoly.

I agree that the project has a great future. I think the sphere is very promising! I think that the team will succeed!

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