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RE: President Trump Orders 4-Day Bank Holiday - Puts Embargo on Bitcoin And Other CryptoCurrencies

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Trump would never do this. He wants the Fed and the international bankers to take a bath. I believe he is trying to figure out a way to promote crypto's for the people without the bankers tanking the world economy. He is a very forward thinking guy. One thing you have to understand with Trump is his ego. Sure they all have ego's but politicians are go along and don't make any waves. Trump is not that way. He fully understands he has a chance at history. A once in a lifetime shot at doing things no other politician would dream of. Serve your time, take you money and all the people stuffing cash in your pocket while no one is looking. But Trump sees bigger things. He sees his name being talked about long after he is gone for what he did. There will be massive changes. He is just 8 months into his Presidency. It will get interesting.


Well as far as ego's go he deserves he one he has. HE is nobody's fool. Perhaps we need to make Trumpcoin move to the top ten. That would get his attention.

It will get interesting is true. It is already getting better.

I just hope he does the right thing. Things are definately goin to be interesting to say the least. I remember hearing or seeing something that he was goin to audit the fed but that was a while ago so it probably won't happen. Just like why isn't crooked Hillary in prison??? just makes you wonder what the hell is goin to happen.

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