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RE: Can't Kill An Idea; Can't Ban Technology

in #bitcoin5 years ago

Much of what you relate here is undeniably true. But exigency can render the equal playing field BTC potentiates moot. BTC would not have been able to impact the lives of civilians in Bosnia in the '90s, and while it can't be banned, and neither can cars or phones, they can be rendered useless as a result of the collapse of infrastructure.

You may not see that Putin, Xinping, or Trump could ban the internet, but they're not God, and can't prevent rebel Chechens from setting off an EMP, nor can they interdict the sun. They can't ban it by decree, but the power to destroy is extant and is shown throughout history to render political power negligible.

"Blogging is a low value activity."

Nothing could be further from the truth. Free speech and communications is perhaps the most valuable societal feature. Since centralized overlords aren't able to monetize it, they oppose it, and demonetize it to the degree possible. This is exactly what the FAANGS and neoliberal governments are doing now, but that doesn't render it void of value. It is exactly this misunderstanding that has caused the collapse of Steem price. The ability of centralized stakes to monetize our communications, which is demonstrably embedded in Steem code through stake weighting, is promoted to the maximal degree, but this is contrary to the actual value received through that communication, rather than accurately reflects it, which leads directly to the destruction of the token as that real value is destroyed by centralized monetization efforts seeking to extract that value for themselves.

Social media is the most profitable business model in the world today, as the FAANGs reveal. The feint at decentralization Steem code undertakes simply fails to directly centralize that monetization, and neither enables decentralization of that monetization. Steem's feint needs to become it's true implementation, allowing tokens to flow to creators rather than ninjaminers, and that will accurately marry the decentralized users to the value they derive from blogging.

Games and apps simply can't compare to the value free speech has to decentralized populations, which have long revealed how highly that communication is valued. It's the First Amendment to the Constitution for a very good reason, and the extraction of that value by manipulating rewards with centralized stake largely destroys that value on Steem. That value can be allowed to rise to it's actual level by allowing stake to flow to creators on Steem, which will grow the market and cause the price of the token to rise, creating ROI for stakeholders in the historically proven mechanism of capital gains that far exceeds what can be gained from extracting the vast majority of tokens that are decreasingly valuable to a market.

It is far better to have fewer tokens worth orders of magnitude more than it is to have more tokens worth orders of magnitude less.


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