Jamie Dimon: "I regret calling Bitcoin a fraud."

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Well that was a quick about face.

In an interview with FOX Business' Maria Bartiromo, Dimon repented, softening the comments he made in a September banking conference, saying "I regret making them."

Dimon said that he personally is still "not interested in the subject at all," but he conceded that blockchain "is real." (Uhh, duh.) Dimon also softened his tone on initial coin offerings, saying that ICOs need to be reviewed “individually”.

"The blockchain is real. You can have crypto yen and dollars and stuff like that. ICO's you have to look at individually", Dimon told Bartiromo. (He must see that JPM can make some money from them in the future, when they become regulated out the ass...and you have to go through a bank to issue your coins legally.)

"The bitcoin to me was always what the governments are gonna feel about bitcoin as it gets really big, and I just have a different opinion than other people. I'm not interested that much in the subject at all."

Not interested?

Then why do you keep talking about it, Jamie?

There are some storm clouds a-brewin'....


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