Bitcoin Was Great Till Wall Street Fucked it Up

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Seriously! We were all having a nice little cryptoparty investing our hard earned nickels and dimes in Bitcoin and eagerly running to the web each day to see how much we made...

But that's so last year!

Wall Street smelled our profits and decided they wanted in. Like the overgrown brutes they are, they came in and seized our money like taking candy from a baby.

And we bought in to their bullshit because they are rich and powerful and we aren't!!

We had our quaint little ways of buying and hodling in hopes of improving our lot in life...

But they had SHORT SELLING and Wall Street bought us out! They threw their worthless fiat at us and played upon our hopes that one day we could be like them.

They knew just the right buttons to push...

And now what do we have?



Listen to The Steem Theme (Original Music)

Above is my composition called Theme From Steem or simply Steem Theme. I recorded it on my Korg MicroArranger and the editing was done on Audacity. I want to create a 21st century sounding theme that resonates with our dynamic, disruptive Steemit movement to inspire the Steemit team. Steem Power is the future of Steemit and we all share in it.

Don't forget to flush, be nice and upvote this post.


Thems a lot of memes! But you're right...wall street is muddying the waters. Rish bastards!

Great post, so much of that is true, thanks for posting.

right now there is this race to get lightning nodes out while the tech is not ready yet. Blockstream is giving weird signal lately.

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