Chris Dunn_Bitc0in-Trader Legend_Explaining Market Cycles...
Phase 1.) Accumulation
Phase 2.) Healthy Trend
Phase 3.) Unsustainable Parabolic M0ve
Phase 4.) Fast Pullback
Phase 5.) High V0latility(last phase)_which can be great f0r trading...
Ppl buying 0ut 0f "speculation" because they think price will continue to rise with0ut a correction(pullback)...
CRYPT0-Tech is different yes BUT is n0 different than any 0ther financial
market in terms 0f the cycling process...
MY S0N WAS B0RN_Better Be Glad I Didn't Know What Bitc0in Was Then...
Each Bubble that took place, we seen 0r saw these same 5 Phases
(Accumulate/Healthy-Trend/Unstable Parabolic M0ve/Fast
Pullback/High-V0litility) play 0ut.
wE need to look back to the HIST0RY 0f the charts to recognize when it is a
good time BUY 0r SELL and 0r TRADE(rather than just buying & h0lding L0NG-TERM so tht can accumlate even m0re 0f the asset as well)...
_L00king F0rward 4rm where BTC price is currently@ - 9:20min into the
vid is a wonderful explaination 0f how to trade in the meantime, while awaiting the ammulaton phase 0nce again(rinse & repeat;)
Wnna Be A B0ss J0in C0ss.i0 -