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RE: The Post-Futures State of Bitcoin: Day #21

in #bitcoin7 years ago

@briggsy, I'm flattered. Thank you very much for your confidence. I will push even harder to be even better in my analyses.

All Crypters (people involved in crypto world. Yeah, I start to invent English words. I research a little, in French this is cryptographers, but in English we can easily adopt my meaning proposal) should be FUD resistant and akin to HODL to the last drop of their blood. I think this is the reason that cryptos always rise from a dips like Phoenixes. Crypters believe in cryptos and value their coins.

This fact is directly derived from believing in concept. Money is not real, money is concept of transferring wealth. The same as god is also a concept and not real thing. Believing in god also comfort people and give them a reason to live and be useful, faithful, honest, fair-minded.

Classical capitalists (banksters, CEO-s, government people and politicians) think of assets, fiat money, gold, silver, real estates and other commodities as physical stuff. But this stuff is dead material, stuff wroth of shit. The concept of value give this stuff a soul named wealth. I think they don't understand this concert in essence at all.

Satoshi Nakamoto triggered an evolution of understanding wealth and this evolution or silk revolution of wealth understanding drive us Crypters on and make us strong and unstoppable.

This is not a comment anymore. It's an essay brainstorming from my head. (I should extended into full blown article!)

So forget about FUD for us Crypters charts speakes as I stated in one of my comments:

Good skipper read and understand charts to safely steer his ship. Bad skipper listen to the rumors and complains of his crew and passengers.

Markets are not different. News are read from charts, rumors are read from news and people are akin to listen to the news and rumors not to read the charts.

This is why I start to learn technical analysis. I want to be good skipper! And I respect everyone who think the same, believing you are among them.

So I start to study charts as astronomers, astrologists and meteorologists do to predict movement of our beloved cryptos and to reveal their destiny to you my dear Steemians.

Once more: Happy new year 2018! Let it be this year year 10 a. s. (after satoshi)!

p.s. My prediction #23 from 13 hours ago, still holds and I have nothing to add at the moment.

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