What is your opinion on alt coins? Bitcoin, STEEM, ect...

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

I would be interested to know what you know, or think about any and all alt coins.

If you would like my opinion just keep reading.

I think they are vital to the survival of the current economic structure of the world.
Not only do Cryptocurrencies hold a very powerful position but they hold a lot of undiscovered technology and ability.

Let me know below, thank you for being a part of my experience.



I got into Bitcoin 3 years ago but I am by no means an expert @timbo but I do try to keep myself up to speed with what is going on in the crypto -currency world.
I do not understand 100% of how it all works because I am not a developer, but I have always understood how "value" works and I have a good track record for this in the "real world". Value is value whatever world you are in.

With that in mind, I think the name of the game for any Alt coin is all about anonymity. Which coin can be made untraceable and untrackable is, at the moment, is the big race in the crypto coin technology.
Only yesterday my own country´s bank (the Bank of Norway) announced that they were looking into making an "ecoin" as way of replacing "cash" (I have a link to the article if you are interested?) and they talked about making it anonymous. I was totally shocked about this by also proud of my country because it told me that my government does not want to control me. For it is NOT in a governments interest or a bank´s, not to be able to track every penny you have, or use.

Most Banks and Govts want to control its citizens and that is why they want to be able to track the money.
And I can understand why.
For it stops tax fraud, it stops funding to illegal trading in drugs etc, private armies and terrorists and so on. When you can "See" where the money is and how it being used then how can you trade illegally. There is no where to hide anymore!
However, if this is true, why then is my own bank of Norway even thinking about making an anonymous ecoin?.
I tell you why, because these same governments and bank owners who want to track your money have overlooked one thing. And they have all just realize what that is.
You see, the Banking world, stock market trading world, as well as the political world, are also full of crooks. And they all have billions in hiding in some off shore account somewhere, or on a Swiss bank account, and as such they are not paying tax and other charges that the rest of us have to pay.
And these rich folk have suddenly realized that if they make it law that every penny has to be seen and traceable then they too will fall into that system and all of a sudden all the world will see what they own and where it is.
And they cant have that can they?
But it is unavoidable otherwise they would lose all their hidden wealth.
Their only way out would be to invest in property but even then they would have to declare where the money came from.

So you see, this is why it has suddenly become very important to everyone, honest and crooked folk, to have a crypto-coin that is untraceable.
So far I think Monero is leading in this area and is just ahead of DASH.
However, you will be pleased to hear that Steem is very soon introducing a new untraceable protocol and this protocol is the very latest technology that will make Steem better than Monero. This is what I have heard, but I am currently investigating this claim. If this is true, then the value of Steem will go up dramatically and become very valuable indeed. So I would invest in Steem before this happens. Just my opinion my fellow Steemian.

Oh man, such awesome information.

You may not be an expert but you definetly understand the importance of cryptocurrency, its uses, and its value.

"However, you will be pleased to hear that Steem is very soon introducing a new untraceable protocol and this protocol is the very latest technology that will make Steem better than Monero."

I also learned something today that I wasn't aware of and that is the development of STEEM for real world uses.

Thank you again my friend, for the information and the comment,

My pleasure @Timbo
Knowledge is power and sharing knowledge gives everyone the power to be free.

Oooo, I love this! I might use it ha. Great quote.

Thanks this is very learnfull and comfirming for me.

No worries. There is enough money in this world for everyone. It is a myth that money is scarce. It is only that it is on the hands of the few and hidden away. Crypto currency is designed to change all that and it is why it is the most revolutionary game changer, probably in human history.

Worries? I have no worries. I have weed:) Seriously I'm not an expert on this. But I can see potential and I agree in 2017 this can be the most revolutionary game changer. I follow you now. Bless

@ markush.Ha ha ha ha excellent. I like a guy who has a good sense of humor. You will do well in life my friend. 😆

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