
Ok first of all, dont ever give anyone password for your wallet unless you are sellling it to them for fucking cash LOl and there wuld nver be a need for you to really do that anyway, hah, just dont ever do it!

and u just send the macine bitcoins! yes an address pops up! with qr code! u scan it! u wait for confirmation, cash comes out!

why would u need a special card? lol my friend s who i show bitcoin ATMs to always go "Oh but i dont have a bitcoin atm card or anaccount" and im like no the bitcoinIS your account!'

peole really dont get it

lol, u can also get a bitcoin debit card to withdrawl cash at any atm tho

if u feel a neeed to convert bitcoin to cash ur not doing it right lol u need to veiw bitcoin as real money and cash as counterfit worthless paper because thats the truth, no atter how many peopel are still hypontized by the trance of fiat paper money...

Relax. Just wanted to know how to get some traditional money in case I wanted to get a juice or a sandwich. Most stores still have not adopted use of Bitcoin :(

And thanks for the explanation :)

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