divination about bitcoin with china 《I Ching》

in #bitcoin6 years ago

《I Ching》(《周易》)is the theoretical origin of natural philosophy and humanistic practice in Chinese traditional ideology and culture. It is the crystallization of the thoughts and wisdom of the ancient Han nationality and is known as the "source of the main road". Rich in content, it has exerted a profound influence on China's politics, economy, culture and other fields for thousands of years.

Others about this book:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Ching

I use this book make a divination for bitcoin.

result is 无妄(no delusions)——Hexagram 25 ,six two.

in I Ching, nine means light,sun,sky.. — is the symbol.
six means dark,land,moon, -- is the symbol.
every hexagram should read from bottom to up.
so :


up nine
nine five
nine for
six three
six two
first nine.

my result is six two.

the whole Hexagram means :
Very auspicious, great and prosperous, peaceful and steadfast. However, if the motive is not pure, there will be disadvantages and unfavorable progress.

the six two means:

let nature take its course, and seek nothing but harvest.
If you don't have an extravagant hope, you can really gain something.

Success is wait after the hard work. We should not rush for quick success and instant benefit. We need to have a solid foundation, do our best, accumulate a lot and then develop thin hair.

As the saying goes, no ploughing and no wealth. At this point, it should be "not rich", because it is the time to lay the foundation. Silently, I will not ask for harvest.

Do anything and do everything, but do not have any delusions, no necessary requirements, but only a solid effort to lay a solid foundation, ten thousand tall buildings rise flat, the foundation is unstable, the height of the building is even more dangerous. Be down-to-earth, do every current thing well, and be safe without delusion.

This is especially a warning to young people, young, eager to succeed, eager to greed, rash, and dangerous.

If you don't understand all of these things, doesn't matter.

I simplify it to a word: HODL!

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