Bitcoin Exchange SHUT DOWN and SEC Will Attempt to Stop ALL Cryptocurrencies!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Bitcoin has seen a rise in its price recently after a major correction. Other cryptocurrencies have seen even more wild fluctuations. Bitcoin and digital currencies have a rocky road ahead







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In This Episode:
Bitcoin has seen a rise in its price recently after a major correction. Other cryptocurrencies have seen even more wild fluctuations. Bitcoin and digital currencies have a rocky road ahead


TRUTH ON GPS! Upvoted.

Excellent critique of the weakness of exchanges, 'MONEYGPS'. Thank you.
One of the principal- but far from only - benefits of the cryptos is that they allow persons to transact DIRECTLY persontoperson peertopeer. ..... WITHOUT INVOLVING OTHER - SOMETIMES MULTIPLE, MULTIPLE - THIRD PARTIES ALL OF WHOM DEMAND TO PROFIT BY THEIR alleged contribution to the transactional process - not to omit that many of these third parties provide information to governmental bodies & taxation agencies - some even selling info they harvest to yet other parties ......
THIS SHOULD BE A LESSON TO ALL CRYPTO USERS NOT TO USE EXCHANGES !!!!!! As this brings in 'the third party weakness' otherwise being one of the principal things we crypto-heads are attempting to avoid.
PRIVACY .... Maximum - indeed COMPLETE - privacy is what I'm aiming for - which is why I'm going to buy DASH ..... Which has NONE of the other many flaws & weaknesses of BITCOIN !!!!!!!

A good vid that focuses on its topic only, and doesn't suddenly ramble off onto unrelated (though interesting) distractions.

an organized brain is a good brain

Very interesting. I like that more and more companies are accepting Bitcoin. I also like that Debit Cards are popping up with the ability to hold multiple Altcoins:

This should continue to help the Cryptos.

The exchanges will start to lose ground when people understand that wallets with decentralized exchanges are the future, no one but the owner of the coins will have power over his savings, not an exchange. Check the NVO wallet project to know more.

The swedish leak of information must have been planned. It is absolutely so out of order that anyone in a position in charge of really sensitive information could do this and just play "stupid" after. All the Swedish ministers involved failed to tell our prime minister of the leak. In over a year as they knew about the leak the kept their mouths shut. When this finally came to the publics knowledge (how is unclear) the responsible ministers just turned around and said that it´s so sensitive information that without a secure place you can´t pass the information on to the prime minister. The security councils meetings was not secure enough and not even the prime ministers office is counted as a secure location. The Swedish leak smells really bad and my guess is that within a couple of months we are going to see something happening that is closely connected to this leak and it´s not going to be pleasant.

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