in #bitcoin7 years ago

COME ON ALREADY!! - We are old enough and wise enough to know? When someone, something or in this case a collection of someones and things! Are manipulating EVERYTHING!!!

That's because we all understand (Maybe, a bad word in legalese terms that is) That people (A collective word to describe beings on earth) Are inherently manipulative!

A few words in the right ears. A little link here and there. A collective of scribes, tapping away at keyboard furiously. An with the right pawns, moving in the right places. We have a market move, which is so monumental! That it shifts the basis of an entire currency.

THE ATTACK ON BITCOIN - has been so long and drawn out.

WEEKS OF CONTINUALLY PUMMELING - Endless jibes and taunt's, remarks about it's:

Market possition
Investment opportunities
Price/ Value
Real world applications

The list is endless.

You know there is something going on, when looking at the bigger picture. Not one single other cryptocurrency, Is being attacked - TO THIS MAGNITUDE by:

Banking institutions

The most powerful establishments on earth. Are rallying to take out the currency at the top of the tree.
It seams to have the potential to

Topple banks, governments and the media alike.

These people rule our world. They can't have a decentralized platform.
Handing over freedom - POWER OVER MONEY - Back to the masses.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 57500.86
ETH 2337.17
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.36