Are The Banks F@!K3d ?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

I just finished watching this video and the guy goes off about this new app that coming out soon. Repeatedly, he says "The Banks Are F@cked". If you're at work or sensitive to a potty mouth you may not want to to watch this.

The reason I'm posting this however, is because this is the same thing I've been saying for awhile now. IMHO "The Banks Will be F@c!(ed" if they don't start taking this industry seriously. Just like the entertainment industry ignored MP3 and MP4 compression, saying nobody would watch movies or listen to music on their computers, the banking industry seems to have the same attitude. Remittance companies like Western Union have been quoted as saying bitcoin is no threat to their business model. How can they not see the writing on the wall?

The Dood personally believes that all we need is the right app or the right company to start utilizing this technology and the end game begins for the banking industry. Could you imagine if a facebook, google or ebay decided to accept cryptocurrency? Once this happens I personally believed the banks will be screwed. At that point it's just a matter of time till everyone jumps on the band wagon just like they did in the 90's with email, and the internet. This technology stands to change our lives in ways that we may not even be able to comprehend currently. It's called disruptive technology for a reason.

So I ask you... Just like this guy... Are the banks f@cked? Do you think with the right app, mainstream adoption is inevitable? How much longer do you think they have till they start seeing the impact that cryptocurrency will have on their industry?


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