Is it Too Late to Get Into Cryptocurrencies & Bitcoin? - Roger Ver weighs in on this important question

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Is it Too Late to Get Into Cryptocurrencies & Bitcoin? -
Roger Ver weighs in on this important question



We've seen a lot of volatility in the cryptocurrencies space. Hey, the last few days have been a wicked financial rollercoaster ride to say the least.

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To get some answers that you can use, my fellow Steemians, I had a chance to interview Roger Ver, the CEO of He raises some very good points about getting involved now. You'll also appreciate what he has to say about the year ahead and what to expect in 2018.

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I wish all of you wonderful Steemians here on Steemit much happiness and success in the New Year.

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Terry Brock, MBA, CSP, CPAE
Member, Professional Speaker Hall of Fame
Certified Speaking Professional
[email protected]
+1-407-363-0505 (Orlando, Florida, USA)

Steemit - @terrybrock


I think every risk is worth taking so long there is a possibility of winning.

Well, thanks for posting... dtube is not playing for me again today...
WAIT! 20 minutes to buffer and it played! Thanks for the interview. I am brand new into crypto, I think I may start getting a little bitcoin cash and alt coins instead of BTC. Of course when I jump on, the ship starts to sink... lol!

very informative sir!!!

I am not heavily invested in crypto but I started to invest a few bucks every month and now I am pretty happy about it.
My recommendation would be buy smaller amounts ,get your keys,make some test transaktion, get comfortable to own crypto and then buy more if you feel that you have learned about crypto and the idea behind it

Normally I'd FOMO hard for Bitcoin Cash but I've learnt my lesson, I'm just gonna hodl my cryptos for a while.

Informative post.

Excellent interview. I'm new to the space, but I'm not sure about Bitcoin Cash. The reason being that it was a direct fork of Bitcoin, so I think in a few years once its transactions reach a similar point to core, it too will be slow to transfer.

But perhaps that's the inherent nature of a blockchain. The more that happens, the more data has to be pushed around by each person wishing to make transactions.

Never too late, Always there is a chance to start any time!!!
Thank you sir.

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