A Boost for Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies? Steem?

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Did you see this?



From today's Wall Street Journal. It seems that the owner of the New York Stock Exchange (yes, WOW!) is now in the process of launching a new service. This will bring data about Bitcoin to various hedge funds.


This is something and it shows that bitcoin is gaining credibility among serious investors and financial professionals. I see this as a good thing, what do you think.


Is it perfect? Will it help in the recent crash of cryptocurrencies? I don't think it is perfect (nothing is, really). I don't know if it will help with the recent crash.


However, just my personal, shoot-from-the-hip idea is that this will be yet another step to legitimize bitcoin and ultimately many more cryptocurrencies in the minds of serious financial professionals. If something helps a lot of cryptocurrencies, then it probably will help us here on Steemit. That is a very good thing.


Yes, the price of bitcoin, other cryptocurrencies, and even our dear Steem has been hit hard. However, I think that the HODL (Hold On for Dear Life) strategy makes sense now more than ever.


Bitcoin has seen a lot of volatility in its short, less than 10 years, life. This is another correction. There are those who say it is a great buying opportunity and that "Bitcoin is on Sale." Perhaps they are right.


However, whatever happens, this story is profound and shows that not only bitcoin, even beyond bitcoin to other cryptocurrencies, there is room for optimism.

What do you think? I look forward to hearing from you.


Terry Brock, MBA, CSP, CPAE
Member, Professional Speaker Hall of Fame
Certified Speaking Professional

[email protected]
+1-407-363-0505 (Orlando, Florida, USA)

Steemit - @terrybrock


Great news! thanks @terrybrock for sharing this amazing news...

You betcha, @hms818. I see it as good news and am crossing my fingers for the best. Thank you for stopping to leave a comment. I appreciate it.

@terrybrock Everyone had been affected on the recent plummet of cryptos but I remain optimistic and enthusiastic that it will come back up again. I continue to HODL. Patience is a great virtue after all.

Yep! I just want the universe to "hurry up and teach me patience!" :-)

Thank you. I love your comment! Thanx for stopping by to say hello.

Haha. And I love your Sarcasm. Bitcoin is following a trend since 2015 in which it falls in the first quarter and in the last quarter there is a tremendous growth.

something very controversial without a doubt! @upvote

You are right that it brings crypto that much more into the mainstream financial markets. But that’s the danger as well.

We can see with BTC how centralizing decisions and power can cause problems even on a theoretically decentralized blockchain. As users and investors in crypto we have to make sure we vote with our wallets to prevent financial takeovers.

I'm eating this info up. Anything positive I can read about cryptocurrency's future is good with me. Big believer in Bitcoin and Steem.

I think it is "positive realism." I sure don't have all the answers --- actually very few --- but I think that being in it for the long term is the best approach. Thanx for your comments @haushinka. Nice to have you stop by.

Another exchange to join the party.

Yep, more and more are jumping on board. The more the merrier!

Hey Terry! You're so right, i'm HODLing mines...
Take your popcorn 😉 and wait!

Keep on HODLing. We are in this for the long-term. Thanx for stopping by @curivitas

Thanks for this Post @terrybrock Good to know...

There are two groups one is supporting Bitcoin and other is against it. It's real dilemma for new investors. I personally think, we should not invest what we can't afford to loose. It's also first rule of investing.

Thanks for the update and I hope it rises price of Bitcoin and other altcoins.

Yes, it is sad we see such fighting. I am for peace. I don't like the bitcoin wars that have gone on. However, we'll let the marketplace decide. I think there is a place for a variety of coins, each meeting select needs of the marketplace. Thanx for your comment, @asolopreneur. Always nice to have you stop by. I hope you have a great weekend!

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