If you have an account with A+ Federal Credit Union, make sure not to buy cryptos/bitcoin from any exchanges.

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)


Someone just posted this on Reddit. I'm expecting the war on cryptos to intensify as the movement gains further traction.

What I find hilarious is the outright falsehoods A+ resorts to in this "scary" letter to dissuade their client from using cryptos.

"Virtual Currencies have a higher risk for fraud."

Really? What does that sentence even mean? Is A+ claiming that cryptos are used in fraud, or that its users are fraudsters? What kind of a generic bullshit claims is this anyhow?

"Virtual currencies have no consumers protections."

Neither does cash, but you have no problem handling all those cocaine-laced bills on a daily basis, right?

"Virtual currencies are not backed a government or central bank."

So what? Who the hell do you think you are to dictate to me what I can buy and sell with my money?

"Virtual currencies are targets for hackers, who have been able to breach sophisticated security systems in order to steal funds."

And banks aren't? How about the largest credit reporting agency in the US, Equifax, which was recently hacked? Are you going to stop doing business with them due to their incompetent IT staff and CEOs?

"Virtual currencies can cost you more to use than credit cards or even regular cash once you take exchange rate issues into consideration."

Is that so? How about A+ tell us how much it charges for a wire from the USA to China, Japan or Australia? And how long such a wire takes, in addition to the shitty exchange rate we will get charged for said wire transfer?

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