Bitcoin Cash Now Coming to Bitstamp!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Bitstamp has a long tradition of being one of the longest established cryptocurrency exchanges in the world today, and guess what? They have just announced their plans to launch trading of Bitcoin Cash, a cryptocurrency steadily becoming a more ferocious rival to Bitcoin. Some like Roger Ver have even come out to say it is the 'real bitcoin' partially due to disputes over the recent segwit update and the transformation that has taken place with BTC.

“We get requests from our users who want to trade it,” said Bitstamp CEO Nejc Kodric. “We want to be as agnostic as possible so we look at the system, and if we believe there is sufficient demand and there will be trading and trading volume, we’re going to list it.”

Clearly this decision was made based on the number of requests rather than a desire to increase competition against BTC. I'm a firm believer that both will survive and BTC will remain the more expensive digital asset but also of the viewpoint that based on the growth of BCH to this point, it is underpriced by thousands of dollars at the moment...

Trading of Bitcoin Cash on Bitstamp, which is the third-largest in the world for U.S. dollar and euro trading of Bitcoin, begins in the next couple weeks. The move could indicate possible growing acceptance of a cryptocurrency that many hardcore Bitcoiners view as an unwanted stepchild of Bitcoin and potential threat to the top cryptocurrency.

What I find so interesting about this situation is the fact that Bitstamp is a very conservative exchange which has only traded in four cryptocurrencies up until the present day which are — Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin and XRP.

The Bitcoin vs Bitcoin cash debate can be compared to the battle between the two sides of the cola wars.

“Coca-Cola invented the sweet, dark, bubbly drink, then Pepsi copied everything 90-95% from Coca-Cola, and they marketed the recipe with bigger bottles — actually, similar to Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash at the moment — and they did an aggressive marketing campaign to promote Pepsi, and a bunch of people went to the Pepsi camp and said it was a better drink. Maybe a similar thing is happening here. We’ll have two cryptocurrencies similar in the technology having vocal, strong and sometimes aggressive supporters. We’re in the business of allowing users to to trade whatever they want. We’re not taking any side.”

Again personally I see room for both to continue growing and prospering. I think BCH may always be the little brother to BTC but little brothers grow into mighty giants.

Full Disclosure: I'm currently holding Bitcoin Cash and plan to continue holding on to it for my dear life....

What do you guys think of this new development? Will this send markets rallying or is it just another small step for recognition?

Thanks for reading!


Bitstamp To Launch Bitcoin Cash Trading - Forbes


I firmly believe BCH will be a flash in the pan. It will stick around, but it will lose its place in the battle. Ethereum is the true contender for Bitcoin's crown and we will see it take over in the next year or two. It's too useful not to.
As for a payment coin, read my article on Dash; it's already becoming true:

You might be right friend. We will see how it plays out. I once had a gut feeling about a crypto called LISK. Wish I had held it. Bitcoin cash seems to be the next best thing!

Bitcoin cash is a good solution in the short term but will never deal with mainstream adoption unless it becomes centralized, with 2/3 mining farms in control of the market...maybe off chain solutions isn’t original Satoshi’s vision, but a centralized currency neither.

I agree with this and with the fact that BCH may not be the crypto to end all cryptocurrencies but what it does have going for it is speed, limited quantity, a solid community and some major marketing hype in addition to a rapidly expanding roadmap of accomplishments for such a short lifespan. These are traits I saw in the original BTC and so I expect valuation to continue upwards in the short term.

BCH remain true to yhe Satoshi whitepaper of peer to peer cash. To call for centralization demonstrate a lack of understanding of the real reason for Bitcoin as it was originally defined amd designed.

Good for Bitcoin Cash.... maybe another pump is coming soon? :P

This is exactly what I was thinking! I think one of BTC's greatest qualities at the moment is simply its network availability. It has a head start but transaction fees and times make it costly and slow. It could really use an upgrade!

it's very good, bitcoin cash will grow very fast soon !

Opinion valid and taken! There will be many that never accept Bitcoin Cash as an alternative to BTC which is fine. It seems that it is a thorn in BTC's heel at bare minimum.

I would like to see litecoin evolve to the stage of real digital currency. To be honest, I see bitcoin more as a reliable and decentralized store of value. The cliché "Digital Gold" actually is applicable imo.

Thank you updating me, first time i hear about that.

That's a great business Idea in crypto currency world...Introducing Bitstamp for trading of Bitcoin cash with the world will definitely lead to some difference and exponential the question arises between the fight of two brothers BCH and Bitcoin????

well it do make some sense in your article. anyway just to add on, bitcoin cash will be launching on the first week of December.


Waiting for it to come to Coinbase as well. According to Coinbase BCH will be available January 2018.

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