This is why bitcoin will change the world!

in #bitcoin6 years ago

How many of you use bitcoin to make money but don't know will it succeed or not? If you doubt about bitcoin's future then this post is for you. With the word bitcoin we mean cryptocurrencies and decentralization. We will discuss about why is bitcoin required and why will it succeed.


People always want freedom. From slavery to democracy we have moved and right now we think we are free but in fact we are not free at all. We need permission to send our own money. Money is the certificate we get for the value we create. We must be sure free to exchange that value. There is no point to ask someone to send my money to people I like. I must be free and slowly everyone will understand. When everyone were slave no one knew slavery is bad because slaves thought it is fine that big people are controlling them and it is necessary that they must follow what big people say. But revolution happened and everything changed.

Let us think it like this, if there were no slaves, who would have worked for the country and made it a better place? Who is going to ask question to those big people with enormous power? How will people know slavery is bad if there are a lot of slaves?

This seemed impossible that slavery would be out of the world but slavery is completely out of the world and now world is little better place. Same thing will happen, we don't know we are slave of government. We earn money and they take a big chunk of it. They have brainwashed us that it is for development of nation but as a fact tax is bad and government should also work to make money, not just take money from there citizen. This is bad and it won't last long as more and more people get's literate.


Inflation is another huge issue that is in the world. This is our government looting us but no one cares because our government around the world is an expert in brainwashing people. As a matter of fact, if we stop working and just keep our money in our self untouched, we will be 2% poorer every year. That is due to legal inflation and due to illegal inflation we will be a lot more poor over the year. Government can print money to buy what they want, it seems they are creating value but the fact is they are looting it from you and we don't care, because it is government. And bitcoin can't be inflated, it solves a huge issue.


Previously post office were used to transfer mails but now a ton of post office are closed because they are slow, inconvenient and take a lot of money to operate. You can relate it to banks of today. Why we even need banks if we have bitcoin? Banks are slow, insecure and inconvenient. Bitcoin is deflationary so as many people use the value will increase more, it will be like interest. It takes some minutes to transfer money using bitcoin whereas banks take a lot of time like post office.

Internet of value

We now have internet where we can make a file and copy it and send it to other people. But we need something that it must be valuable, bitcoin solves a major problem of that. It solves double spending problem. Money must not be double spent. But wait, doesn't paypal solves everything bitcoin solves? No! No one, not even Satoshi Nakamoto can create more bitcoin but one day paypal needs a lot of money then they can secretly inflate and create more paypal money and that may create a financial crisis and we can't depend on a company of any people in case of the most valuable thing in the world.


It is better to have someone to control our value by whom we trust. But it is a lot more better if we are sure no one not even the most trusted people or company can cheat us. Our value is our value, we work through out our life to earn the value and we can't let any one to store that for us, we can't trust any one for that. That is why we need bitcoin, no one except you can use your bitcoin and touch your bitcoin.

Immature technology

In 80's internet was new and slow. People thought it will never be mainstream but we can see it right now. If we think deeply, internet is just the connection of computers and devices. That is a simple concept with huge possibility. Blockchain have a lot of concepts which can change the world and for me I am sure we will have a better world created by bitcoin.


I should not give my information to anyone to send money, that is a crazy idea that I should give my whole information to someone to buy a car with the money I earned. To buy something with bitcoin I must not give my any information to anyone. The only thing I share is my public key. But wait! Won't it bring more corruption? How can you track people doing corruption with fiat? Can you track a note of money? So, have we banned paper money because we can't track that? So, bitcoin with so much possibilities why not use it as main payment method.
But we need to send our detail to online exchange like coinbase? It is because we need to convert it to fiat. We are trying to build a world where we buy goods with bitcoin, not with fiat, so we will never need to convert it to fiat.

Crazy system of today

It is crazy to give our money to a bank to keep it safe, it seems common to us now because every one does that but at first the idea of banks must have been a lot more crazier idea than the idea of bitcoin. Using bitcoin, you can keep your money with yourself and it is super safe. How crazy is it to make a paper as money, it is creating money out of free air, it is creating value for free. Bitcoin takes a lot of electricity and a lot of power to be created, no one can create more bitcoin, it is a lot more like real money than a paper which can be easily created by government.

But why isn't bitcoin working?

It takes time. Bitcoin is one of the biggest threat to the most powerful persons of the world. Let me ask you a question, If you can print money to buy anything you like, anytime and no one questions you, you are free then will you not be afraid if someone is trying to take that freedom away from you? That is the case of government. Government don't like bitcoin and that is well explainable why they don't like it. But remember world is changing and people are moving towards freedom. Eventually bitcoin will win! This is why I am investing my time earning bitcoin and investing everything without taking any profit, but you need to do your own research before investing money or time.

Click here to earn lot of free bitcoin easily

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This post was already posted in weku by @teamnepal and we hold all right for this post!


Well, I see it more as a store of value. let me ask you a question, Today would you pay with Bitcoin? I prefer wait to the future with my bitcoin on wallet

No even if I get 90% discount for paying in Bitcoin, I won't pay now in Bitcoin!

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