in #bitcoin5 years ago (edited)


Gold is considered a very valuable asset, which has been in existence for a very long time.

It's value is unbelievable, even in this present time, as it is one of the most valuable asset on earth.

It has always been a good payment method, even in the medieval times, due to the fact that it possess almost all the qualities required of it.
One of its great features is that, unlike every other asset or exchange means, Gold is not affected by price instability and Volatility, and it's rate beats that of other assets.

But the major issue with gold is that, it is rapidly going obsolete, as it does not enjoy the mass adoption and use, which is given to other medium of exchange.

This is dependent on the fact that, it is a complex task to trade, purchase and even store gold, so deterring users from participating in the trade in gold.

It is undeniable, the level of development that is dominating the entire world, seeing the nonstop development of great technologies, is the evidence to of this technological advancement.

An even better example is seen in the blockchain technology.
A system which is used to transmit data efficiently and it is immutable and reliable in every way.
But, just a small percentage of the global population are currently utilizing the blockchain technology and it's benefits, because the rest are yet to discover it's full potential, so this brings about limited number of participants and adoption on the system.

Carefully analysing Gold and the blockchain technology, it will be discovered that they are both limited at some point in time.

But what do you think will happen when this two giants are combined?

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Digital Gold platform was created as a decentralized platform, to take care of the complexity experienced in the purchase and storage of Gold.

Digital Gold achieves this by making use of the new technologies such as the blockchain and other well developed technologies.

This platform is created to bring together the blockchain industry and the Gold market, and then utilize their strengths to amplify the benefits in both systems.

Digital Gold platform leads to the massive or global adoption of the blockchain industry.

By integrating it with the Gold market, the global population will begin to make use of it seamlessly and enjoy its full benefits.

That's all,
Gold market which was rapidly becoming obsolete will then be brought back to life, with the emergence of Digital Gold platform.
This owes to the fact that it eliminates the weaknesses originally present in the Gold market and replaces it with great gains.

All these could be achieved on the platform by the use of,


The Gold token is an ERC-20 Ethereum based token which is backed by Gold and could be used to carry out transactions like, purchasing gold, selling, storage and even transfer of Gold.

All these could be done the Digital Gold platform, in a secured way, with Gold token.
1 Gold token could be used to purchase 1 gram of 99.99% of Gold.
So, Gold token is considered a stablecoin, as it's worth is tied to that of Gold.

Unlike other digital currencies, Gold token is not affected by price Volatility.

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Gold token is the transforming tool used by the Digital Gold platform to bring about a great revolution in the entire world, just by turning around the blockchain industry and Gold market.

Visit website for more informations.


Digital Gold is a new dawn for the global system as it utilizes the Gold token, to bring back the once obsolete Gold, into limelight and drive the global population to adopt the beneficial blockchain technology.
This increases the global economy in a great way.
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Article written by Tccrypto
Eth address : 0x038f14a321EdB29e1Be307302867BFD3d8216E06

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