
You might be right. But I think most of the money in the market lately was for a quick buck, not for the long haul. Just my 2 cents.

Why would they suspect BTC would make them a quick buck? What will happen when bubbles start popping?

$500B is .1% of bubble money.

Think about that.

That could be true...although that type of change, $350B is a lot of dough....the only ones I know who can pile in that much is Wall Street. I believe they are here. For months we heard counts of the number of hedge funds raising money for crypto...I think this is the result of all those funds.....

I believe we will see rotation plays as opposed to the money coming out. Run up bitcoin, dump and go to ETH...dump ETH and to go LTC...then back to BTC...

Although that still could be down the road since most of the money is not in here yet.

I said $1.5T by the end of looks like that will be far eclipsed.

Only coinbase was adding 100k + users a day. Not to mention other exchanges and so on. I think it might be both. Let's call it a tie :)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 57475.27
ETH 2375.39
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.34